Million Dollar Pips (Od milliondpips)

Zysk : +26241.17%
wypłata 39.44%
Pkt: 5202.2
Transakcje 4497
Wprowadzić: Demo
Dźwignia finansowa: 1:200
Handel: Automatyczny

Million Dollar Pips Omówić

May 20, 2011 at 02:45
Przeglądane 234,582
3,872 Replies
Uczestnik z Aug 16, 2010   450 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 12:43
mine both got wacked. nothing too dramatic, around 3% loss but the pattern doesn't look good lately
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
Uczestnik z Jul 24, 2011   91 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 14:47
A few trades, only one positive.
Uczestnik z Jul 24, 2011   91 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 14:48
-25.6 pips
Uczestnik z Jun 15, 2011   229 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 14:53
No second wave for me... Interesting...
Uczestnik z Nov 17, 2011   15 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 14:56 (edytowane Nov 23, 2011 at 14:57)
Sorry guys? i`ve missed? there was two wawes today? i have got one only...
Uczestnik z Dec 08, 2010   66 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 15:52
SUGGESTION I ma following:

I shut my system down for a few weeks, the brokers are getting out of big trades becuase of long holidays in the US, so the market will WIP Saw a lot and unpredictable.

so cut my losses and shut down.. and start only for first 2 weeks of Dec.. only. Thsi is what i will do.

Uczestnik z Jul 24, 2011   91 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 16:00
Two waves?
Uczestnik z Feb 09, 2011   313 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 16:12
Only one.
Better to lose an oportunity than a money
Uczestnik z Aug 20, 2011   587 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 16:13
well... from what I see MDP don't care about trends, so predictable or not, MDP can trade correctly... or not.
Because it trades when a spike occurs, turning it off during period when spikes could occurs more often will reduce the wins you can have.

And if you stop a EA because you anticipate something, its because you prefer to manually trade...
so why using MDP ?
Uczestnik z Dec 15, 2010   784 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 17:18
I agree. We have a EA MDP thathas 60/40 win to loss ratio. We should expect some losses. It doest make us happy when we lose, but its part of the trading factor in forex. In the long run we have historicaly been winning .
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Uczestnik z Nov 09, 2011   13 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 17:31 (edytowane Nov 23, 2011 at 17:32)

Professor53 posted:
I agree. We have a EA MDP thathas 60/40 win to loss ratio. We should expect some losses. It doest make us happy when we lose, but its part of the trading factor in forex. In the long run we have historicaly been winning .

Yes, I agree but... Isn´t it strange that usually we have worse trades that the measured demo?
When we make money, the demo makes more,
when we loose, it loose less or no trade...

Are you sure, we really had in the past 60 / 40 win to loss ration as mentioned in the demo?

Im am here for quite a short time, so I dont know how mdp REALLY worked in the past. But what I know is that reported account is more profitting then me or forum in general...

Isnť it strange?

Thanks for thinking about it...
GL to ALL!
Uczestnik z Nov 17, 2011   15 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 17:39 (edytowane Nov 23, 2011 at 17:42)
Standa, to my mind, DEMO absolutly differs from real account. Much better exequtions, more suitable quotes for any scalping strategies. So we can`t make any decisions according demo results. Demo is good only for checking algoritm of your EA. We have good results for three month on real accounts in past, so will hope it will be continious. Three month is not so much for real testing for long/mid term strategies, but it is pretty good statistic period for scalping.

Sorry for my english, it isn`t my native language😉
Uczestnik z Aug 16, 2010   450 postów
Nov 23, 2011 at 18:31
Kirbi hits the point. Another thing to consider, with market-tailored strategies you might never have too big of a statistic, as robot will lose its edge before you can build a stat. This is why most people lose with bots: they wait too long first to see results from vendor, then too long on demo, then on micro. So when they move to start trading it on good money they will lose their shirt, as strategy already lost its edge.

Remedy? Hardly an easy one, but you need to trust what you use, apply good judgement, try to understand how strategy works and if there any real edge. In my opinion MDP has it, I had been trading news spikes both joining them and fading them, because you can't trade manually not-annouced spikes, but MDP obviously can as it watches market 24x5. I believe it will be back. It's good to have some healthy profit cushion to build up before to accommodate rough patches.
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
Uczestnik z Aug 30, 2011   71 postów
Nov 24, 2011 at 11:21
Good point MistiFX. Also consistency and risk analysis are key things to a winning strategy... you can spend months down but then it can pick up... either way how can you know for sure if you have not been consistent... seems with this MDP that ALOT of people here rave about it when its doing well and slate it when it does bad... typical failing trader, use a system then it starts to lose so they change before being consistent... then that new system wins a bit and starts to lose... before they know it they are subconsciously searching for losses. i think a FAIR test of MDP is this (and im going to do exactly this): Set it up with a micro account... and LEAVE it! Ill check it once a month. Then see how the results look after either a) 3 months or b) 100 trades...

I know this thread is on a demo account , but even this has seen huge consistent losses but then it pulls back around and stays in profit... As others have said a strategy without losses - doesnt exist.... if this makes 1-2% a month on real account id be more than happy... its sensible and enough for investers to consider letting you manage their funds.
Uczestnik z Aug 30, 2011   71 postów
Nov 24, 2011 at 11:26
Ps going back to my point about risk and consistency it seems MDP manages this very well . So it has to be worth the shot... and if it doesnt work out - well thats the nature of forex somethings dont work and EVERYBODY loses money at some point... just call it a business expense... my first month on my own strategy had evil losses (due to some none consistency) however i STUCK with it and just closed in on those two issues... sure enough my system made almost 18% last month and is at almost 10% this month... it will continue on this course...

It would have been easy to give up on it and try something else but this is what kills most traders...

My point is that moaning about a system because its going through a bad patch isnt healthy - ride it out... if you have a few months with DD then moan about it
Uczestnik z Aug 16, 2010   450 postów
Nov 24, 2011 at 11:36
If you look into my profile, I've been running MDP since 26th August on one of the accounts, live. I also do some manual trading there and some FGB trades but all lesser volume than MDP, so MDP accounts for 2/3 of profit and losses. And despite very difficult November, it's still up above 60% since start.

benbakhsh posted:
Good point MistiFX. Also consistency and risk analysis are key things to a winning strategy... you can spend months down but then it can pick up... either way how can you know for sure if you have not been consistent... seems with this MDP that ALOT of people here rave about it when its doing well and slate it when it does bad... typical failing trader, use a system then it starts to lose so they change before being consistent... then that new system wins a bit and starts to lose... before they know it they are subconsciously searching for losses. i think a FAIR test of MDP is this (and im going to do exactly this): Set it up with a micro account... and LEAVE it! Ill check it once a month. Then see how the results look after either a) 3 months or b) 100 trades...

I know this thread is on a demo account , but even this has seen huge consistent losses but then it pulls back around and stays in profit... As others have said a strategy without losses - doesnt exist.... if this makes 1-2% a month on real account id be more than happy... its sensible and enough for investers to consider letting you manage their funds.
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
Uczestnik z Aug 30, 2011   71 postów
Nov 24, 2011 at 12:56
It looks very nice indeed
Uczestnik z Sep 14, 2011   139 postów
Nov 24, 2011 at 13:13

benbakhsh posted:
It looks very nice indeed

I like these guys here who write wise stories here and know a little about this system. Gaining with microlots with MDP is not a brain surgery, almost everyone makes a profit. Try to be profitable when you trade over 4 lots, do you know a recipe for that ?
Uczestnik z Aug 30, 2011   71 postów
Nov 24, 2011 at 13:30
Well I wont judge this EA until its fairly tested on demo and real. People who have stuck with it are the ones who seem to like it so im hopeful about it, and if it doesnt work it doesnt matter because I already have my own profitable system. if this works im aiming to literally leave a micro account open and let nature take its course.
Uczestnik z Aug 31, 2011   44 postów
Nov 24, 2011 at 13:39
Hey Lob...
Here is a solution for you...
at my broker I am able to have as many mt4 trading accounts as I want... where I currently have 2 set up
thus just never have any one account running bigger lots than 1 full lot...
once this happens, break it down into two accounts both running mdp or what ever scalper...
and to mitigate your risk even further, split those accounts across multiple brokers...
Yeah it is extra admin to maintain...

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