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SCALPER 2 Omówić

Feb 08, 2016 at 14:03
Przeglądane 490
1 Replies
Uczestnik z Jan 29, 2016   9 postów
Feb 08, 2016 at 14:04
Uczestnik z Jun 25, 2015   12 postów
Feb 09, 2016 at 08:41
Why have you blocked my friend, which lost about 10k last week with you ?
Because he wrote this:
"What are you doing here ? You have ruined all our accounts before 3 days !😡!tab=history&page=2"

You have burned several 10.000s of your subscribers and now starting again ? 😡

You should update your other account here also with "profit" of -99,2% !!!
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