Postów LgIndustries

W LgIndustries feed Sep 16, 2019 at 10:08
W LgIndustries feed Aug 14, 2019 at 13:09
(received or not?)...
W Engelbrechtas feed Aug 05, 2019 at 09:24
It would have been better if you were trading for 6 years,i need someone who already knows the ins and outs of the game.....(If i were to take you as my student/mentee then you'd need to know a few things)...I NEED A GROWN MAN/WOMAN!We talking about excrutiating long hours in front of your screens during the learning phase and practical phase...mental reprogramming and shifting,as student and a lot of mental programming and hardwork.Its easier if you are already a HIGHLY PATIENT PERSON BY NATURE THAT VIEWS THINGS FROM 10 YEAR PERSPECTIVE RATHER THAN AN INSTANT GRATIFICATION.and A NOT CREEDY BY NATURE....So its really not that simple a career to pursue...As much as our local forex industry is clouded by FAKE SCAMMERS at every corner willing to take people's money-its also field with IMPATIETNT CREEDY MENTEES/LEARNERS looking for instant gratification and looking for MENTORS To help them make instant millions cash...Which is very UNREALISTIC AND CRAZY if you ask me!....So i dont wanna take your money try and teach you and during 6months - 1 year when you realize its challenging end up blaming me for something that naturally takes time for any human mind to programme to,and then bad name my products calling me scammers and all this and that...because that is what most students do to most mentors if have seen!!...So you need to also know i do everything online,calls chats,whatsapps,emails,calls(during office hourss),online chats...,i don't have the luxury of going out and doing seminars and teachings because i am always working towards my portfolios,if i want to meet all my student i invite them,if i don't i never invite them,that is why i require someone who has already been in the field and knows the ins and outs,a grown ass woman/man that doesn't need to be baby sitted,a creative person that thinks on their feet...So that when i show them a couple of tricks they implement them without REQUIRING ME TO BABYSIT THEM OR INVITE THEM TO MY HOUSE AS I AM ALWAYS WORKING IF NOT IM WITH thats that...For me i regard teaching is charity and not a business that is why i treat it this way...i used to do it for free and then i realised if people don't pay they never commit and take it seriously and they end distributing all you materials for free online.....In the meantime inbox me youR email so i can send you a pdf document of NEWS TRADING STRAT.(Or reply with your email right here and i'll inform you when i received it so i can send you it and you can delete it thereafter)...regards S.P L (lg Industries)Write post...
W LgIndustries feed Aug 01, 2019 at 19:47
How long have you been trading?