Signal Start
Signal Start offers reliable 24/5 email support and a refund policy, ensuring dependable service. Additionally, the white label option for signal providers comes at no extra cost, making the product both superior and cost-effective, continuously enhanced based on user feedback.
And @Brendan777 if you have really made your own reasearch and you have really found some good signals, please share their names with us, because this is the objective of a community: share usefull information (with names and not only criterias) with others members.
I'm criticizing Signal Start because I think it is the best copy trading platform for technology issues but it has not good signals at the moment. So, I'm asking in this "community" if someone that has posted a good comment on Signal Start has maybe even found some good signals. In my opinion there are not good signals at Signal Start at the moment and the fact that nobody has posted yet the names of some good signals...confirms 100% my opinion.
@Brendan777 If you don't want to share your results (signals' names) with this community, don't come here...go fishing!
@Brendan777 when will you share with us your precious results of your own reserach? In my opinion you are only a troll paid by Signal Start with your useless bla bla bla... No one good signal from you....uhm...
I have made my own research and I can assure you that there is not one really good signal in Signal Start at the moment.
But if someone is interested I can share with you which good signals I found in AutoTrade.
Facts and not only words dear @Brendan777
Please continue your good work for Signal Start!
Jeanluc is bad mouthing Signal Start but also begging for someone to give him a good signal, what a joker.
Do your own research boy, there are rewards for putting in some hard work.
Very good service. I'm satisfied. Thank you.
Which good signals are you copying right now ? Please even us want to make money with Signal Start.
If you're real subscribers and not some Signal Start's guy who has nothing better to do than come to this community and write these poor, too poor, comments.
Best platform. Find good signals here and connect my accounts.
very well
Saying such bad things about signalstart jeanluc, will cause your posts to be censored!
"The signals only produced losses and the platform is not that it benefits me to continue paying"
I agree: very bad signals, lack of information and communication, no cutomer support, expensive services. There is no one reason to use Signal Start.
AutoTrade, that is its old brother and always run by Myfxbook, is much better: serious signal providers, better information and the costs are indirect so if the signal works well you pay almost nothing. In this way, the signal providers in AutoTrade are more motivated to work well because they earn only from their trades and from their results. There are not costs to connect your account to the service and to subscribe signals. All another world.
Stay away from Signal Start: it offers only high costs for bad services and it gives big losses on the subscribers' accounts.
la señal solo a producido perdidas y la plataforma no se en que me beneficia para seguir pagando
@jeanluc You should do your own research instead of begging for signals, if you're too lazy to do that, I'm not surprised you haven't been successful in using them. Last time I've checked, this is also a public place and you're not the owner.
The platform is excellent, however requires lots of improvement when you use the platform iOS app. Very user friendly in general.
I guess the pricing structure requires to be revisited, specially Forex market is very high risk investment.
there is no better website to copy signals than SIGNALSTART. i can highly recommend this service
@Brendan777 As usual you give good advices, but they are useless without concrete examples with real signals. So if you don't want to help us to find your magic two signals in the offering of Signal Start that at the moment are satisfing your criterias and give together 15-20% return monthly....stop talking, stop your bla bla, shut off and go to troll in an another place.
Very good service
Ha, I am not affiliated with Signal Start at all, just a regular user like everyone here. In fact, if you look at my earlier posts, I only join this thread to give feedbacks about the services I received from them (I also think their customer service response time is TOO slow).
About Real Gold, the first time he traded at 200-300X his normal lot size was a big red flag for me. All it takes it one bad move of the currency and you're toast. It also tells me that he's only been lucky for the last few months, and now we all know he blew up and has a 82% DD. As for NYC, his EA went a little crazy recently and was making stupid moves trying to save losing positions. For example, it would close out large positions for a loss then open new positions at around the same price with even bigger positions. It also had positions open during NFP, that's also a big red flag for me.
I don't really make signal recommendations, but if you use the parameters I've described you can easily find the signals I use from your search results. I personally wouldn't use any of the signals mentioned by 785boats, the DD are all too high for me. I think another good tip is not to be greedy, I've also been down that road before. Set your risk to 1 or lower (some can go as high as 2 for really low DDs) and just build your balance slowly but surely. Like I've said before, the goal is to take a few years and build it to 100K and even 10% monthly with that balance will net you around $10K. I've seen people running around with $30-40 million in balance, a 1% return monthly is 300K for 30M, so don't think it's impossible, you just need to be patient and not be greedy.
@Brendan777 The posts that have been cancelled had been written by me, @785boats and @cambridgeinvest
I have in my mind the post that had been written by me and I'm copying below that one that had been written by @cambridgeinvest and that I received by email.
Hello jeanluc!
cambridgeinvest has just posted in your subscribed topic Signal Start:
"@Brendan777 yes please Brendan please tell us what signals you are using, and why you think that they are good.
When did you realise that real gold wasnt any good as for what i can see he always done well up until 11th April , he often closed out losing trades, and had a good win rate with low drawdown, he also had a 200k account which is always a good sign . I though i picked 3 of the best signals with many more on my watchlist based on a real account, good return, low drawdown, I picked people with a decent account size, those who had been trading for at least 8 months and people that close out losing trades. As you say it only takes one day, or one losing trade to lose much more than what you ever gained even if you are conservative with the risk settings.
Id like to know who you have been copying and why you chose them and how it is working out for you.
If you could share this information, im sure many people would benefit from your experience.
Many thanks"
WHERE IS IT @Brendan777 ?
@Brendan777 Who really are you? You seem a Signal Start sponsor or a Signal Start guy in secret mission... you give good advices to select the signals but there are not good signals that satisfied your rules with a decent profitability... and you don't say the name of your (only your) good signals that you are really copying right now...because as a Signal Start representative in disguise you can not sponsor a signal or another, right? Tell me at least one thing: which is the mean profitability on monthly basis of your selected signals?
Good luck with your work at Signal Start!
@jeanluc Hmm... not sure why you're not able to find signals. There are a few that fits the parameters I've mentioned, and I am using some of them right now. BTW, your posts seem fine, didn't notice any deletions.