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Investments and Funds
Feb 14, 2014 at 09:30
(editado Feb 13, 2014 at 23:44)
Membro Desde Feb 13, 2014
4 posts
Вопрос 1: Как и где найти опытного управляющего трейдера с минимальными просадками, который примет услуги инвестора с адекватными процентами и ответит на следующий вопрос?
Вопрос 2: Успешный трейдер подскажет какой брокер заслуживает доверия и какой платформой он пользуется?
Вопрос 3: Собственно, я тот самый будущий инвестор, какие будут ваши предложения? Пишите в почту
Question 1: How and where to find an experienced manager trader with minimal subsidence, which will service with adequate investor interest and answer the following questions?
Question 2: A successful trader will tell which broker is trustworthy and what platform it uses?
Question 3: Actually, I was the future investor, what are your suggestions? Write in mail
Вопрос 2: Успешный трейдер подскажет какой брокер заслуживает доверия и какой платформой он пользуется?
Вопрос 3: Собственно, я тот самый будущий инвестор, какие будут ваши предложения? Пишите в почту
Question 1: How and where to find an experienced manager trader with minimal subsidence, which will service with adequate investor interest and answer the following questions?
Question 2: A successful trader will tell which broker is trustworthy and what platform it uses?
Question 3: Actually, I was the future investor, what are your suggestions? Write in mail
perfect money
Membro Desde Jan 14, 2014
166 posts
Feb 17, 2014 at 13:30
Membro Desde Jan 14, 2014
166 posts
skypeboss posted:
Question 1: How and where to find an experienced manager trader with minimal subsidence, which will service with adequate investor interest and answer the following questions?
Question 2: A successful trader will tell which broker is trustworthy and what platform it uses?
Question 3: Actually, I was the future investor, what are your suggestions? Write in mail
You should read topic "How to evaluate a trading system?".
Feb 22, 2014 at 11:26
Membro Desde Jan 24, 2014
131 posts
skypeboss posted:
Question 1: How and where to find an experienced manager trader with minimal subsidence, which will service with adequate investor interest and answer the following questions?
Question 2: A successful trader will tell which broker is trustworthy and what platform it uses?
Question 3: Actually, I was the future investor, what are your suggestions? Write in mail
1. Many place to find it. here on myfxbook you can find the good one for you. other places are : forexfactory.
2. Probably Not.
3. You could lose some or all of your initial investment; do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose.
keep smile

Membro Desde Sep 18, 2012
143 posts
Feb 23, 2014 at 00:41
Membro Desde Sep 18, 2012
143 posts
Past results are not indicative of future performance............Do your research and choose a diversed portfolio of managers with different trading styles and a long enough track record with positive average win to lose trade ratio........just my 2 cents
Mar 17, 2014 at 07:41
Membro Desde Mar 17, 2014
35 posts
I am new here, but quite old at forexfactory.
I can take new accounts for managing sometime early next month. Get in touch if you are interested.
I can take new accounts for managing sometime early next month. Get in touch if you are interested.

Membro Desde Jun 28, 2013
842 posts
Mar 25, 2014 at 07:02
Membro Desde Jun 28, 2013
842 posts
Хорошая работа, вы сделали хорошую шутку. И люди просят о выделении средств.
С уважением.
Хорошая работа, вы сделали хорошую шутку. И люди просят о выделении средств.
С уважением.

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