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My new trading phase 10%/day?
Membro Desde Mar 05, 2010
6 posts
Mar 30, 2010 at 17:31
Membro Desde Mar 05, 2010
6 posts
hi there,
well im very glad to know that a lot of people enjoyed the 1 month test phase of my final edition ea.
And we shared a lot of experiences , but i did not sold nothing. because we know right ( only a few bla bla bla stuff )
But now im testing , a mixed style and very agressive.
Do you think it will last? only time will say..
so far i got 10% , 5% dd . about 50 trades.
not bad for day 1 .
Please fell free to post your thoughts =D
well im very glad to know that a lot of people enjoyed the 1 month test phase of my final edition ea.
And we shared a lot of experiences , but i did not sold nothing. because we know right ( only a few bla bla bla stuff )
But now im testing , a mixed style and very agressive.
Do you think it will last? only time will say..
so far i got 10% , 5% dd . about 50 trades.
not bad for day 1 .
Please fell free to post your thoughts =D
! The Zurich Axioms by Max Gunther !
Membro Desde Dec 31, 2009
141 posts
Apr 03, 2010 at 20:44
Membro Desde Dec 31, 2009
141 posts
lucasluizi posted:
...Do you think it will last? only time will say..
I'm curious why you say that only time will tell.
Is it not possible to fully understand the trading mechanism and associated risk and thus make a valid worst-case-scenario evaluation? Perhaps not. But if that is possible, you should be able to say with confidence whether or not it will be able to last. If your system is banking on the market not making an aggressive or protracted moving against your positions like a typical martingale/gambling system then chances are it will not last. If your system can handle large moves contrary to your positions without causing huge unsustainable positions is should last.
At this risk of over-simplifying the situation, is this not the case?
Gear on the left...

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