Managed Accounts

Sep 17, 2012 at 10:52
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Membro Desde Aug 23, 2011   19 posts
Mar 15, 2013 at 05:39

I have open pamm account in insta forex. You can check my record

The first time i trade in pepperstone. Begin 12 des 2012-15feb 2013 gain 62% and close and continue to insta forex

In insta forex begin 13 feb 2013

always check my record before you invest. make sure you have believe my system before you invest.

DD depends deposit. More deposit but trade with same lot the result dd is low but gain is low too.
My DD is high because aggresive and high gain.

best regards,
emf forex
Membro Desde Feb 08, 2013   56 posts
Mar 15, 2013 at 17:39
Low risk settings dd of 15% for $1000 account balance ROI of 75%-250%+ per month PM me if you are interested. Since February 12 I have adjusted my EA risk settings to conservative so you can see that it even doubled the balance and has been consistent gaining profits everytime. Kindly contact me for more details if you are interested to duplicate your earnings.
Membro Desde May 17, 2012   206 posts
Mar 15, 2013 at 23:13
wow aragorn, you must be sooo wealthy with such results.What are you gonna do with all the money your EA is making you?
Wait for the trade to come to you... be patient.
Membro Desde Aug 23, 2011   19 posts
Mar 16, 2013 at 03:12
Aragorn you must have live result. If u believe your system, open live result. I dont beleive demo. I have many ea good in demo but in live bad. And i dont believe result test ea.
Membro Desde Feb 08, 2013   56 posts
Mar 16, 2013 at 09:37
I have live account but prefer not to show to non-investors.
Membro Desde Feb 08, 2013   56 posts
Mar 16, 2013 at 09:39
... because some people here like username "thedoctor" take advantage of good traders skill and exploit them. I am not going to elaborate more but I do know how they operate. So if you want me to show you live account you might as well invest first then talk later 😝
Membro Desde Dec 07, 2012   25 posts
Mar 16, 2013 at 09:53
Membro Desde Jan 19, 2013   224 posts
Mar 16, 2013 at 17:34
aragornsystem posted:
... because some people here like username "thedoctor" take advantage of good traders skill and exploit them. I am not going to elaborate more but I do know how they operate. So if you want me to show you live account you might as well invest first then talk later 😝

Sounds like a good SCAM in the making from your my friend.
Membro Desde Jan 19, 2013   224 posts
Mar 16, 2013 at 17:35
Now that guys mechie pamm is very interesting.
Membro Desde Mar 06, 2013   9 posts
Mar 16, 2013 at 20:09
Just visit our website in, follow our live performance and join us without any advanced cost, we win if you win.

If you have any question, don´t hesitate and contact our costumer support, we are here to help you.

Best regards,

Fx Chaotic support team
[email protected]
Membro Desde Feb 08, 2013   56 posts
Mar 16, 2013 at 21:17
Sounds like a good SCAM in the making from your my friend.

PM me if you want to see my live account but on one condition you should invest if not then you are the one who is a scam having many accounts in trolling around here with different usernames to support "thedoctor".
Membro Desde Jan 19, 2013   224 posts
Mar 16, 2013 at 21:18
I dont know who the doctor is. Nor am I interested in what the other trader is doing. No need to hide your results or want to pm people. Post it on myfxbook for everyone to see.
Membro Desde May 17, 2012   206 posts
Mar 17, 2013 at 01:45 (editado Mar 17, 2013 at 01:46)

There is NO reason to not publish a live account, other than you have something to hide, or nothing to show!
Wait for the trade to come to you... be patient.
Membro Desde Oct 24, 2012   62 posts
Mar 17, 2013 at 03:59
Well, aragornsystem. Before this, who was the guy who pmed me?

Mar 07 at 20:03 Hello

Get the fact right dude, you are the person running around trying to gather investment. And don't defame or malign :), there's ip here, the admin can jolly well see where i am from, and how would i have multiple username :), why would i be so free, you are just being overly defensive because you know you are on a disadvantage with a " DEMO ACCOUNT ". Same for autotrade on myfxbook, why would they never ever consider " demo account " ? we all knew this ages ago.

And get this fact right dude! I find it really funny and irony that, if a person's trading system or live results is so successful, why don't they just trade themselves using their own money or pool of money from people and friends around them rather than begging here ?. Food for thought.

And people with successful system already opened valid pamm accounts with whichever broker available. Don't need to call me rep from hotforex, i live in Singapore. HotForex is in mauritius. I just have an account there, that's all and find it more convenient for me to deposit to pamm accounts there. If i am a rep or ib, i would use my Refer ID? to get people right? think like an adult dude.

Where of my statement claimed anything like that :)? i am an investor looking to invest that's all. And that's what investor do right? they search for good traders and pamm available. Why called it manipulation? When you are doing the same trying to get investor? think again? So others investing with others also making use of others? wow. You really think like a kid. its a you happy i happy world out here. If not don't invest lor.

Why did i asked several times for people on DEMO accounts to prove on live accounts? If you take your investment and system seriously, a live account with 1-5k is good enough to show your sincerity. There's nothing to hide man dude, you can hide your trades for entry and exit to protect your system. But on the live account the real money, dd , pips and etc will be shown to verify what you claimed! Because there are too many demos wannabe trying to gather real money for their system and they failed so hard in live. I have been scammed before :) i know, and that's why i am doing my part to advise on others who may want to heed my advices. And people would know for sure that they will never take demo seriously, just like how MDP performed on demo and did another kind of results in LIVE.

Who is the real scam here? u or me? did i asked for money? did i publicize anything? did i asked for investors? haha.

Membro Desde Oct 17, 2012   48 posts
Mar 17, 2013 at 07:47
12264 posted:
Good Afternoon All, (AU)

I've been looking into inventing my money into a PAMM account/Managed fund although I'm struggling to find
a reasonable rate of return (monthly) having figures of 30% plus which for me is just to to much risk and
does not seem realistic in my opinion. If someone could point me in the right direction or even recommend a managed
fund you use and what returns you are seeing.

Geoffrey Reynolds.


Please check our profile and website for what we offer:

Premium Signals and managed FX Investment via PAMM Account.

Thank you.
No manual trading can compete with automated trading by intelligent robots. Manual trading is influenced by human emotions, whereas robots have no emotions and can take a 'calculated decision' at any moment.
Membro Desde Feb 08, 2013   56 posts
Mar 17, 2013 at 09:29 (editado Mar 17, 2013 at 09:32)
I'd say you are all jealous because you can't steal my trading skills and EAs algorithm by trying to look further or buying from me. I have a live account here in private dude. To make you more jealous here is my zulutrade live signal service ha ha so much for these trolling and losers "thedoctor" "BellaVista507" "PT49" 😝
Membro Desde Oct 24, 2012   62 posts
Mar 17, 2013 at 09:50 (editado Mar 17, 2013 at 09:51)
Oh is it. If it's yours attach that to myfxbook. If not who would believe in your fantasy

Why use my country pic . Kid. Looks like sscam
Membro Desde Jan 19, 2013   224 posts
Mar 17, 2013 at 15:00
Aragorn your a jerk. No one wants to steal your stupid algorithm. The market trades in patterns and its very easy to see it. If it is on high or low time frame. If someone reverse engineers your setup what does it matter? As long as you make money from it that is what matters. As the doctor said. If your system is really that good, you should easily be able to deposit 25 dollars and compound it.
Membro Desde May 17, 2012   206 posts
Mar 17, 2013 at 21:37
He lives in a 3rd world country, and has never seen $25 in his life
Wait for the trade to come to you... be patient.
Membro Desde Jan 19, 2013   224 posts
Mar 18, 2013 at 01:46
pt49 what is wrong with living in a third world country?
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