MBTrading quotes and fills , what a mess today during Fed # 12/18/2013

Dec 18, 2013 at 22:14
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6 Replies
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2013   29 posts
Dec 18, 2013 at 22:14
MBT platform today during the volatile periods of news , was fairly inaccurate.
Placing an order on MBT got fills per the FXCM quotes (which were very stable during the volatility today).
I was running two platforms, and could compare the two.
My i7 processor should have had no trouble keeping up. MBT actually froze twice, just stopped flashing quote updates.
Placing an order on MBT would fill and instantly the P/L would be showing either a large loss or large gain, depending on how far off MBT quotes were at that moment.
FXCM ran stable through out. MBT charts are even missing bars (1 minute chart). MBT slippage seemed to be due to their slow updates, rather than the wild markets. FXCM had no such issues that I could detect.
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2013   29 posts
Dec 18, 2013 at 22:14
This makes running EA's on MBT a very risky business during volatile periods. The logic of profit/Loss in the code versus what the platform is stating, could be a disaster if the entries or fills or indicator readings were being based on the Stale quotes.

If anyone happened to be running any EA's during volatile periods on MBTrading platform please share your experience, on their functionality during that period.
Membro Desde Mar 29, 2012   191 posts
Dec 19, 2013 at 09:21
MT4 didn't do well also.

I tried on two brokers to do a straddle and got both the buy and sell executed with SLs at around 15pips while one of the trade closed at -68pips. That was an awful slippage, hopefully it was just a test with a micro lot.
A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2013   29 posts
Dec 20, 2013 at 08:57
Thalantas posted:
MT4 didn't do well also.

I tried on two brokers to do a straddle and got both the buy and sell executed with SLs at around 15pips while one of the trade closed at -68pips. That was an awful slippage, hopefully it was just a test with a micro lot.

Which brokers were they? (if you don't mind sharing)

I'm testing new brokers, and don't want to use them. Any suggestions for others?
Membro Desde Jan 02, 2012   19 posts
Dec 20, 2013 at 12:25

Hi Money,

Just wanted to leave my 2 cents.

I use an ECN 'Razor' account on MT4 with Pepperstone as my broker.

Been using them for a little while now with my current Price Action strategy and have not had any issues.
They are definitely worth a look if your trying out different brokers.

Mr Patient
Patience, above all else.
Membro Desde Mar 29, 2012   191 posts
Dec 20, 2013 at 13:03
@MoneyCode well my account which underwent this huge slippage was at Pepperstone.
A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2013   29 posts
Dec 20, 2013 at 14:54
Since I am in USA, Pepperstone wouldn't work for me. They told me a week ago that they do not take US clients.

I tried to research others but not many stood out except for Yadix, Apari I think one was Forex metal also.
There are so many FX brokers these days that clients are spread thin, it's hard to find one that most people use and like.

After 2 days researching last week, I came up with no good source of reviews from clients. Most reviews are very outdated and just have a few comments.

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