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Making 15 to 20% profit every month !!!
Membro Desde Nov 17, 2020
17 posts
Membro Desde Aug 27, 2017
875 posts
Membro Desde Jul 23, 2020
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Membro Desde Jul 23, 2020
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Oct 13, 2021 at 19:50
Membro Desde Sep 22, 2018
67 posts
ZenoTyrell posted:
Hi every one !
Frankly saying , I'm not a trader at all.
But one of my friend has been in this trading business for just around 6 months and
he's telling me that his boss is making 15 to 20% profit every month.
He's also asking me to invest in his team.
And he's also giving a guarantee not to lose any of my money and have a 15 to 20% profit or stable income.
He said his boss can make it even more , but he's just saying as a safe zone about this.
For me, everything he said is "Too Good Too Be True" and even though I still can't believe it,
I want to make sure by hearing from all of you on this claim.
Is that possible ?
And if that's possible, is there anyone or anyway that can prove this could be done by some kinds of evidence.
Cos this is my friend , I don't wanna hurt him in any way but
I want to prove his boss is hiding something from him or just simply lying.
Can anyone please help me about this?
Is that possible to make Making 15 to 20% profit every month by forex trading ?
What's the average profit of a professional trader can make every month ?
( one of my friends recommended me to come here and asked about it , I hope any of you can help me )
Make 10% on pamm account
Oct 18, 2021 at 16:39
Membro Desde Dec 23, 2019
20 posts
Average profit is such a thing which is very individual. One can make 20-30% of profits per month, another can barely make 5% of profit. The main point here is that trading is always about development. That man who makes 30% of profits per month will make it through several years, but that man who makes 5% of profits per month will make 70% thourhg several years. I guess trading is not about rushing. Of course it's pleasant to gain such a profit per month, but everything depends on your skills and abilities to learn. Nevertheless, I think that 10-20% per month is a great result for a daily trader.
Membro Desde Jan 22, 2021
126 posts

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