Programmer required to automate signal trades in to MT4

Sep 28, 2015 at 06:47
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14 Replies
Membro Desde Mar 12, 2010   21 posts
Sep 28, 2015 at 06:47

I am looking for an experienced programmer in MT4 and MQL4 to write an EA or script to take signal data from CSV files and create a trade in MT4.

Please PM me privately if you are interested.
Membro Desde Sep 23, 2015   1 posts
Oct 22, 2015 at 11:20
if you are stil serious about this , i can help you
Membro Desde Oct 24, 2013   1 posts
Oct 23, 2015 at 16:23
If you serious , please send me message anytime... thank you
from nothing to be something
Membro Desde Apr 10, 2015   17 posts
Nov 18, 2015 at 07:40
i used to work similar strategy with the coding to create the bot script for the BO, and work good with the signals from the mt4 to help on opening order with the web based BO system.
Membro Desde Jun 13, 2011   3 posts
Dec 28, 2015 at 05:08
Hello Lawners1791,

I'm looking for a bot script for the BO for the same purpose you mentioned in your post, to help on opening orders with a web based BO system. Can you help me with obtaining a bot script?
Membro Desde Apr 10, 2015   17 posts
Dec 29, 2015 at 07:07
yes please send details with the bo customs on request to work with the automation of the mouse event with the website.
as different distros should had with the details for bot on running of commands with the order preparation.
at first we should requires of one with the signals on returns of any with the analytic system to notice of the details of attribution by capturing those from the dll file in the folder, and commanding bot along with the details of the customs with the bo site to open the requested position to run with the trading.
if this should be a personal tailored of bot also gives detail of monitor resolution running with the computer.
( worth extra 12.5 discount for us ;-) )

Membro Desde Mar 12, 2010   21 posts
Dec 29, 2015 at 08:34
lewisjohnson84, you mean read a CSV file with the trade data info and place the trade on the web broker bo platform?
Membro Desde Apr 10, 2015   17 posts
Dec 29, 2015 at 13:19
yes the details of order with the preset on attribution of the lotsize and timeframe should be called from the file by the folder as the signals should works of good with the mql4 ea of meta trader of any system.
Membro Desde Jun 13, 2011   3 posts
Dec 29, 2015 at 21:21
Hello Sir,

lewisjohnson84, you mean read a CSV file with the trade data info and place the trade on the web broker bo platform?

Yes that's exactly what I mean; it would read the alert signal instead which has all the information and perform the manual trade as normally would according to the push signal or the pop up alert signal. I'll work on getting that information together and send it to you asap. Thank you in advance, lawners1791.

Thank you also Successful Pro Scalper Living the Dream (bonco_gordo).
Membro Desde Apr 10, 2015   17 posts
Dec 30, 2015 at 07:31
with the admin setting page not showing with the tube, the bot should work of the similar like
i had memory problem with the computer as taking screen shot of the dicegame bot above
the login customs are not necessary, the bot should run after the BO website is opened/member is logged in
the setting page containing the strategy of lotsize and tf are not showing with the tube
those should be done in a web page forms or with the console along with the executable bot file.
Membro Desde Mar 12, 2010   21 posts
Dec 30, 2015 at 23:56
From your video, I Have no idea of what you are trying to achieve, so you will need to explain it differently AND precisely.
Membro Desde Apr 10, 2015   17 posts
Jan 18, 2016 at 13:38
the video works of the automation click jobs with the trading
the signals should comes from the return of work with the analytics on running trader selection of system and strategy
until the signals will be ready the bot helps to open new position with the trading.
we will work with dll file to save those with the folder quoting details of order by the distinct of pairs
Membro Desde Jan 05, 2016   1097 posts
Jan 23, 2016 at 07:10
They are asking for is someone to create a custom dll to work with mt4 which will allow them to analyze a public system profile page, and use it to generate a signal for themselves.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Membro Desde Jan 05, 2016   1097 posts
Jan 23, 2016 at 07:40
The system page would probably be parsed into a CSV file, and then from there the signal is generated by the mt4 EA.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Membro Desde Apr 10, 2015   17 posts
Jan 30, 2016 at 19:21
yes those works with any of system as the traders choice and coming with the further option as trader defining strategy to run of selection with the models on referring use of signals.

the decision is to work with the series on arrange as moderating use of return with the past terms on modulation.
as those leaves with the notice on referring ones to work with the finale of conclusion to run with the ea system and capturing the signals and more on addition with the attribution of order to create of new position with the helps of bot being with the bo web page on top with the layer of execution.

as trader might use of point being as working with the framing strategy on evaluation as running of one with the live test trading to see of results with the signals on series with the same of currency pairs or to work with more of option being as capturing ones on maximum exposures with the series on supports as working with the sets on models of the mathematical expectation on referring rates to turns with the coding of strategy and run with the bo trading.

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