Average holding time -> looser/winner resultados da votação

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Average holding time -> looser/winner Discussão

Oct 22, 2010 at 06:03
1,187 Visualizações
1 Replies
Membro Desde Jul 25, 2010   2 posts
Oct 22, 2010 at 06:03
In Forex I don't care about short or long.
So you graph "Average holding time (short/long)" should be switchable to "Average holding time (winner/looser)".
Then we would be able to see if we stick too long on loosing trades and on which pairs
Membro Desde Aug 02, 2010   51 posts
Oct 27, 2010 at 09:55
But on the other hand, having a losing trade long time is not necessary a bad thing if it goes according to trading plan. Like lets say somebody has a system with stop loss of 100 and aiming for > +600 winners. Then, even if the price gives this trader a negative floating result long time it does not matter because it is still going totally according to trading plan.

I do agree with your initial suggestion that holding time is better, but just saying that holding negative trade does not necessary mean bad.
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