Risk and Reward resultados da votação

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Risk and Reward Discussão

Oct 29, 2010 at 16:57
731 Visualizações
2 Replies
Membro Desde Nov 25, 2009   9 posts
Oct 29, 2010 at 16:57
Hey there,
another suggestion (not sure if it was requested before)

It would be a nice feature to have a possibility to see the risk and reward (in account-currency) of the open trades.
Should be easy to calculate by entry-price and SL / TP value (if they are set)

Would give a nice overview on the current risk that is on the table in all the trades.
(I usually calculate it myself using an excel spreadsheet before I enter a trade. But would be nice to have it available on my portfolio)

Regards, Tuner
Membro Desde Sep 23, 2010   19 posts
Nov 04, 2010 at 12:52
Dor you mean to say in percentage or in absolute terms?
Everything belongs to God!
Membro Desde Nov 25, 2009   9 posts
Nov 04, 2010 at 17:24
I mean in absolute terms. So you see how much you risk on that particular trade and in total.
Percentage would be nice as well.
I do always calculate my risk as a percentage and absolute before I enter a trade. Important IMO to keep a reasonable money management.
So I think it would be a nice feature here on myfxbook....
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