Global Macro (Por yankeewh1te)
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Membro Desde Feb 16, 2010
1305 posts
Mar 03, 2011 at 16:16
Membro Desde Feb 16, 2010
1305 posts
This is a very bad combination of ~"hold and hope", grid and martingale. A real ticking time bomb.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Membro Desde Nov 02, 2010
3 posts
Apr 02, 2011 at 20:39
Membro Desde Nov 02, 2010
3 posts
This last post proved true by some degree, although I suffered from overtrading and three massive crashes as well as a huge one in dollaryen at rollover due to false nuclear regulator comments post-quake (¥76 figure). This is my personal account and the cash reserves in the future and what not shall change as I refine my style.
Free markets, free men
Membro Desde Nov 02, 2010
3 posts
Membro Desde Nov 02, 2010
3 posts

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