ANT NEST LIGHT (Por eleanna74)

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May 03, 2019 at 11:05
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72 Replies
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 08, 2019 at 09:13
Dear ANT NEST LIGHT subscribers, we've closed our 5th group of orders for this week a few minutes ago, reaching more than 5% profit for the month so far. We will pause our trading now, because we never trade on Fridays. I prefer to be safe than sorry and protect these profits, instead of getting into a roller coaster that will jeopardise our position. We will resume our normal trading on Sunday night.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 12, 2019 at 08:58
Dear ANT NEST LIGHT subscribers, we had a sudden trend change in some pairs this morning, so we saw the EURGBP trade closing at SL and then the rest of the group closed at a smaller profit, so the outcome was a very small drop in our balance. This small crisis was dealt better after the last changes in our strategy and didn't drag us into a bigger mess like before. We will continue trading normally for the rest of the week.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 13, 2019 at 12:20
Dear ANT NEST LIGHT subscribers, I've closed our latest group of order at break even, because I didn't like the look of it. Many currency pairs are in the verge of changing trend so I prefer to start again with a new set of orders. I will introduce a new function from now on, by closing our open trades at break even, when the maximum working drawdown exceeds a certain percentage (around 2.5%). I've studied our drawdown history so far and I've seen that when drawdown exceeds that percentage, we rarely avoid a larger mess, but we often have a chance of closing at break even.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 13, 2019 at 16:24
Dear ANT NEST LIGHT subscribers, an announcement about delaying or removing some China product tariffs, caused a roller coaster in the forex market, sparking some dramatic moves of up to 200 pips in a few minutes. It was wise to close our previous group of orders at break even, because now we would face a -5% to -8% drawdown. After this latest development we had a USDSGD position closed at 1% SL and a AUDUSD order closed at 1% TP. Apart from those our remaining open positions will take their time along with the upcoming ones. I have already implemented the latest change that I've told you about in my last news update, in our strategy.!/signs-of-a-thaw-in-us-china-talks-spark-dramatic-market-moves-20190813

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 14, 2019 at 11:50
Dear ANT NEST LIGHT subscribers, currencies change their course/trend every few hours, moved by rumors and tweets, instead of driven from real economy facts and fundamentals as they should. The result is once again a larger than 8% drawdown so far. But we shouldn't be complaining, this is how the markets are and we must learn to live with them. We will see where we stand once the dust settles.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 14, 2019 at 16:32
Dear ANT NEST LIGHT subscribers, I am making a major change in our strategy that will help to deal better with all those sudden trend changes that haunting us every now and then. Until now we were getting the trend from the H4 timeframe. From now on the EA will open new trades in H4 timeframe (and in between times in some cases), but the trend signaling will be based on the H1 timeframe, making them more adaptive to turnarounds. I am sure that we will see better results very soon.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 15, 2019 at 07:47
Dear ANT NEST LIGHT subscribers, we lost about 5% in this latest crisis, but I am very confident that with the change in the trend signaling from H4 to H1 we will respond quicker to sudden market movements and we will recover very soon. We need to adapt to the current market developments and with patience and persistence we will succeed in our targets.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 16, 2019 at 16:52
Dear ANT NEST LIGHT subscribers, the summer market with its endless ups and downs gave us a hard time this week, loosing us all the profits of the first half of the month. We will keep trading normally and I am confident that we can earn some solid profit in the next 2 weeks. Trading will resume on Sunday night.

Thank you very much for your patience!

Eleni Anna Branou
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 19, 2019 at 16:59
Dear ANT NEST LIGHT subscribers, the roller coaster continues with ups and downs on rumors and tweets. Today oil is climbing up and Canadian dollar is diving like bombarded, when all the time these 2 are highly correlated. We will continue trading normally and I will not change our strategy over a really bad and trendless period.

Thank you very much for your patience!

Eleni Anna Branou
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 22, 2019 at 12:07
Dear ANT NEST LIGHT subscribers, I see all my strategies as long term investments, so I take this summer turbulence as a temporary obstacle to a profitable route. Therefore I will continue trading normally with this strategy and I am quite confident that we will recover in the coming months. I've paused the signal a few minutes ago and we will resume our trading on Sunday night.

Thank you very much for your patience!

Eleni Anna Branou
Membro Desde Jul 29, 2018   16 posts
Aug 23, 2019 at 16:58
Здравствуйте ,за 6 мес меньше 200 долларов ? Вы так и не отрегулировали вашу стратегию ,почему она такая неустойчивая ,а скоро брэкзит !!!
Не ремонтируйте то что работает .
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 23, 2019 at 17:07
Hello Igor, I am doing my best but the market is moved by rumors and tweets, trapped in an endless up and down the whole summer. I will continue trading with this strategy in the long term, because I see that period as a temporary obstacle to a long profitable journey.
Membro Desde Jul 29, 2018   16 posts
Aug 23, 2019 at 17:42
Anna,you will agree that for 6 months 19% is very little even in the long term ,You and I are testing their strategy on this resource, including to attract investors .I have a good time watching your strategy and have become accustomed to this amplitude but the last drawdown is quite large and the exit from it will be long (probably),You already Have experience in torgovle this strategy may, at privyshenii a certain turn in rush to close the trade below the resonant not to crawl out of the week from the drawdown but here is a new news suitable now, how do you know all the shakes
Не ремонтируйте то что работает .
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 23, 2019 at 17:51
Hello Igor, first its less than 4 months not 6 and yes I agree 19% for that period is not much, but considering the world financial environment it could be worse. I am quite confident that when the market calms down a bit we will enjoy better results in the near future. Thank you very much for your constructive critisism.
Membro Desde Jul 29, 2018   16 posts
Aug 23, 2019 at 18:44
The auto-TRANS not always correctly periodic ,you have to think ,do not think for a response but not what I prepisovaci with a lady or a gentleman ? don't mean to criticize ,think of my message ka good advice ,the judge of the trade your strategy Pipsing?Can add lock orders with a larger lot and thereby to equalize the trade .On the basis of reading translate I understand that You take the time to live and before you eternity ?))) I can not afford such a luxury,even if you divide 20% by 4 months to5%\month .this is for very big money and institutional investors but also for them stability is important .To teach you won't because You better know your strategy ,take written as a good Council person who worried about you
Не ремонтируйте то что работает .
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 23, 2019 at 18:53
I am a woman Igor. I know its very difficult to be constantly profitable with an automated strategy with such difficult market but I am trying with different settings and variations to find the best for long term results. 19% for 4 months is not much and I admit it but this strategy can produce such profits in a month or so, so I will be patient.
Membro Desde Jul 29, 2018   16 posts
Aug 23, 2019 at 19:01
Anna ,You write your own strategies or they help you .if they can write me a simple indicator based on ADX together some realties indicator impulsnykh .Or maybe add something from your collection
Не ремонтируйте то что работает .
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 23, 2019 at 19:05
All the strategies are mine in logic, but I use an experienced coder for the coding work. I don't have coding knowledge myself.
Membro Desde Jul 29, 2018   16 posts
Aug 23, 2019 at 19:10
I hear you .The idea can acquire a proven strategy ?
Не ремонтируйте то что работает .
Membro Desde Jan 29, 2017   568 posts
Aug 23, 2019 at 19:13
I can't help you with that.
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