BLackMagic (Por BlackMagic)

O utilizador eliminou este sistema.

BLackMagic Discussão

Feb 03, 2012 at 15:16
1,583 Visualizações
16 Replies
Membro Desde Aug 20, 2011   587 posts
Feb 19, 2012 at 19:36
good trend!!!
continue :)
Membro Desde Oct 14, 2011   11 posts
Feb 19, 2012 at 22:13
I am using a nice system that help to survive in Forex market and you know that, If you can survive here surely you will make profit sooner or later ....:)
Keep Patience & Maintain MM
Membro Desde Oct 14, 2011   11 posts
Feb 19, 2012 at 22:14
Thank you for your comment yeah following the trading trend is very much necessary
Keep Patience & Maintain MM
Membro Desde Aug 20, 2011   587 posts
Feb 20, 2012 at 00:09
deception... you got 1 loosing trade ;)

i it a PAMM account??? :)
Membro Desde Oct 14, 2011   11 posts
Feb 20, 2012 at 07:14
It was just a mistake ......I was in sleepy mood just put take profit in wrong point ...Its should be 28 not 48 lol....nah! Its not a PAMM account
Keep Patience & Maintain MM
Membro Desde Oct 14, 2011   11 posts
Feb 20, 2012 at 20:35
This Trading system is available for sell , Profit will come according to your balance , but one thing is guarantee that you will never loss a single penny as well never blow your account, yes I mean it NEVER.
Full system Price $500 (including pdf, Investor Password)
Whole account Statement $300 (Including Investor password)
Please contact me through PM/Skype talpatar-_-sepai
Keep Patience & Maintain MM
Membro Desde Aug 09, 2011   22 posts
Feb 21, 2012 at 05:27 (editado Feb 21, 2012 at 05:28)
A few questions.

So you are selling a manual technical analysis entry & exit trading plan? (not EA)

Are you using micro, mini or standard lots?

Does the trading plan use compounding profits to trade?

Is the account statement inclusive of the 'full' system price of $500?

Is there a website for this?

Thank you
Membro Desde Oct 14, 2011   11 posts
Feb 21, 2012 at 08:43
Hello ,
Before answering some of your questions I should tell something :)... I am not a professional seller like making some EA or some good technique and the sell it and I don't like it also , that is why I don't have any website or something like that..yes have a personal blog site and its under construction ..what I am doing is just a pay for share , I am just sharing my system for some price.
anyway your ans is here..

So you are selling a manual technical analysis entry & exit trading plan? (not EA)
No entry and Exit point (the most crappy thing in web that being sold) but have some suggestion.

Are you using micro, mini or standard lots?
Mixed, you can see history

Does the trading plan use compounding profits to trade?
you will know it after purchase ;) for purchasing info add me Skype talpatar-_-sepai
Is the account statement inclusive of the 'full' system price of $500?
yes right :)
Is there a website for this?
No, Its all mine just want to share maximum 10 people who is continue loosing money of big amount and get rid of it. and there has other purpose I need some medium capital in order to maximize my profit , Its just personal sharing. In this system the more day you will run it the more profit you will make :)
Keep Patience & Maintain MM
Membro Desde Oct 14, 2011   11 posts
Feb 21, 2012 at 10:27


Keep Patience & Maintain MM
Membro Desde Feb 02, 2012   3 posts
Feb 21, 2012 at 18:36
Is it possible, that you make your "Open Trades" Tab, public?
Otherwise there is a chance, that there are some bad trades left open?
Membro Desde Aug 09, 2011   22 posts
Feb 22, 2012 at 01:58

BlackMagic posted:
So you are selling a manual technical analysis entry & exit trading plan? (not EA)
No entry and Exit point (the most crappy thing in web that being sold) but have some suggestion.

Could you please elaborate on what your 'system' is? Are you selling forex signals?
I would actually like a complete breakdown of what I am potentially purchasing.

Does the trading plan use compounding profits to trade?
you will know it after purchase ;) for purchasing info add me Skype talpatar-_-sepai

Please be more transparent. Is it compounding or not?

Is there a website for this?
No, Its all mine just want to share maximum 10 people who is continue loosing money of big amount and get rid of it. and there has other purpose I need some medium capital in order to maximize my profit , Its just personal sharing. In this system the more day you will run it the more profit you will make :)

So you need a cash injection of $5,000? You mustn't be trading standard lots if that is the case is that correct?

I have a couple of other questions I have thought of to ask in the mean time.

Is this 'system' broker specific? (ie. you must use a designated broker. If so, who is the broker)

Is there a 100% refund satisfaction (time specific) warranty?

Maybe it would be a good idea to post a youtube video where you discuss your 'system' so you can visually demonstrate what it is you are trying to sell. The information so far has been rather laconic which arouses suspicion in some people. Just a tip.

Thanks and look forward to your response 😄
Membro Desde Nov 26, 2011   119 posts
Feb 22, 2012 at 03:08
This is a martingale TImebomb which has already began exploding... Take a Look at the Curve, Balance curve is over 4k %, Equity curve is on negative 453%(-453%)..Negative with an "N"

It is obvious loosing trades are not closed. Guys rethink before making any purchase you might regret. PEace

My 2 pence

My recommended Broker
Membro Desde Dec 02, 2011   49 posts
Feb 22, 2012 at 06:42

MetaCoder posted:
This is a martingale TImebomb which has already began exploding... Take a Look at the Curve, Balance curve is over 4k %, Equity curve is on negative 453%(-453%)..Negative with an "N"

It is obvious loosing trades are not closed. Guys rethink before making any purchase you might regret. PEace

My 2 pence

Yeah, looks like crap with 98.38% DD at the
Membro Desde Aug 09, 2011   22 posts
Feb 23, 2012 at 09:30
I just checked out the new drawdown feature and the equity bar graph looks disastrous. Thanks guys
Membro Desde Oct 14, 2011   11 posts
Mar 10, 2012 at 07:22

Neutral posted:
I just checked out the new drawdown feature and the equity bar graph looks disastrous. Thanks guys

even I noticed it and I find the cause why its look like disastrous :p , moreover DD 99% means that account already gone , but why not mine ? still in green :D thats the secret lol but its very 'common' and normal secret :D
Moreover I am happy with my trading system which is given monthly $400-$500 just by deposit $250
Keep Patience & Maintain MM
Membro Desde Apr 28, 2011   46 posts
Apr 09, 2012 at 17:37
Hi! How do you trade, manually or using EA?!
Membro Desde Oct 14, 2011   11 posts
Apr 09, 2012 at 18:57

alex1985555 posted:
Hi! How do you trade, manually or using EA?!

Keep Patience & Maintain MM
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