Fibo Trading (Por forex_trader_100532)

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Fibo Trading Discussão

Nov 24, 2012 at 16:45
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27 Replies
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
May 23, 2013 at 16:16
I trade with Mechanical trading sistem where I trade 100% based on PA, RSI and Statistic. No emotional influence. Whatever and whenever market tell me to make an order, I deliver... As simple as that. I not using EA, manual trading only just to feel and monitor the performance of my trading sistem so if its show a sign of being obselete, something need to be change to satisfied market condition.

Dont bother to ask me how I do it...
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
May 30, 2013 at 12:07
I like how this account growing. But still, refering on backtest result, its expected to see different result for next month...
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jun 24, 2013 at 08:27
This month sure is bad month. When I check back my spreadsheet, I realize I made a mistake in calculation. Its a shame and luck to profit as big as May 2013 but loss in June 2013. A week left until end of month and I'm optimist this month will profit.

I rearrange the setting and make the correction of my calculation last week...

Now running simulation for my 2nd trading system. I thinks maybe 3 days from now it will finish. Let's hope for the best...
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 01, 2013 at 07:57
Change its name to EU Trade. This account will only trade on EU. I have another account trade on EJ with same system. But different setting. Will do monthly analysis so the setting will change montly. Method of trading still same.
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 16, 2013 at 17:33
With EJ going south, the look same goes for EU. I don't know what happen and its beyond my understanding. I keep my cool to just follow my trading strategy because this happen long ago based in my backtest result. Sure, its depressing knowing May 2013 doing great and June breakeven. But still...

Well, let's wait until month end...
Membro Desde Jul 17, 2012   274 posts
Jul 17, 2013 at 04:41
You don't know why it is going south? It seems that you need to do some homework here...
Past experience usually helps present self
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 18, 2013 at 11:54
Yup. I already dropped EJ Trade. Now focus on EU. Actually its normal for my sistem to loss like as its show in backtest. Just need time to recover and I'm optimist about my system. Just wait until end of month to see the result. I not really worried because in this system I use strong MM.

Yeah! Homework... more homework..
Membro Desde Jul 17, 2012   274 posts
Jul 18, 2013 at 12:05
Try GBPUSD too while you at it. You should get something interesting there. 😎
Past experience usually helps present self
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 18, 2013 at 13:46
Well, I already tried its while my system still in V1, no luck. But maybe i should do backtest again on GU with my current system... Thanks for suggestion...
Membro Desde Jul 17, 2012   274 posts
Jul 18, 2013 at 13:53
No need to do backtest. I stop doing backtest and suddenly my winning percentage goes up. Those backtest is the culprit I tell you. You will not make money when you depends on it.

No point when you see winnings in the backtest, and then when you are doing forwardtest, it is not up to the expectation.
Past experience usually helps present self
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 18, 2013 at 14:57
Hm... I have to disagree with you.

I try running my forward test result to back test result and its same. Conclude that if I do what backtest do exact then I in right track to profit.

I use mechanical trading, mean whatever market throw at me, I still trade with my signal eventhough its against market. The reason I not use EA because I change my system trading setting such as MM, TP n SL based on previous performance. Trading manual give me view what should I research next and also to detect early signal my system will fail me.

The only thing fear me most is my system become obselete. There is great EA out there years ago and now being unprofit in just a matter of time. And for me because market change but now our system.

So, I need my backtest result to see what setting can i use when performing forwardtest.

I'm currently making a new post in my blog about my current concern about my system. Feel free to visit me about 30 min so because its not finish yet. Hehe... Oh... I write in Malay language. I see you from Malaysia so I think you should have problem with that... Hehe...

my trading blog...

Feel free to visit...
Membro Desde Jul 17, 2012   274 posts
Jul 18, 2013 at 15:07
Well everyone have their own style. Mine has become like that. Yours will become yours. 😎
Past experience usually helps present self
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 18, 2013 at 18:23
Yup... totally agree... The ultimate truth is the account right? hehe..
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 24, 2013 at 20:05
Doing re-test for my system again then I realized my spreadsheet had some miscalculation. Still confuse calculate spread, which price should I use for such calculation (chart price vs terminal price). Its easy yet confusing sometime.

Creating my spreadsheet from scratch and doing test for troubleshooting. This new spreadsheet looks more neat than previous version. More on

Hope after done troubleshooting, the re-back-test my system result will not surprise me with bad result. Its almost 24 hours of troubleshooting. Hope its worth it.

However, the trade still continue with 'false' setting. Haha... Hope for the best...
Membro Desde Jul 17, 2012   274 posts
Jul 25, 2013 at 08:39
There is spread indicator at

Search there. 😎
Past experience usually helps present self
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 25, 2013 at 14:51
Will look at that... thanks... always confuse how to put formula in my spreadsheet to calculate spreadsheet. But now its looks like ok now... hope so... hehe...
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 28, 2013 at 05:54
Nothing going on. First for all, thanks for those who add this account in watchlist.

Re-run test complete. Troubleshoot also complete. Already run backtest for this system and its looks good. Already check 3 times and its looks good. Hope this will end my miserable weekend for long hours of troubleshooting and backtesting.

The settings is ok for now. Its only miss like 4 pips from the previous 'false' settings. When compare this two settings, looks like nothing really change. So, I decide to continue using same settings. Next week maybe will change settings if market need me to.

They say true about mechanical trading. The research is endless. Its like everyday I will encounter with new idea, new improvement, and new type of knowledge and thinking. I should limit myself so I not what they call 'information overload'.


Well, maybe I need to take a break for this system and searching for new one for my another account. Hm...
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 30, 2013 at 06:05
When I looked at my drawdown history, the highest one is 26.41%, which for me is very high... Why...?

If my calculation and understanding of drawdown is true, I don't think when I use this system at its full capacity will give me a good number in term of drawdown.

Last few weeks I only used like 50% of capacity of my balance account. If I used in full capacity, sure my drawdown will go up to 60% and that's is not a number that I comfortable of.


Well, the things is, I hoping in near future I will get some investor and I thinks this number its important as my 'system resume'. But as far as I concern, maybe... going for full capacity is not a good idea at the moment...

Will be back for this later...
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Jul 31, 2013 at 06:52
I looking at my email, seeing people following my twitter for this account. And I wonder how that will benefit other people. There only one people who I explain my system from how to trade, what time to trade, money and risk management and psychology behind it.

Its important to trade with understanding what you really trade, or I should say why you trade. Looking at my current open trade, if I'm an observer, I thinks its a really clumsy and gambling trade that without regards how market will move.

I open that twitter account and link it to this account for the people who I explained the system. Without knowing what actually my system do, and make a trade, I afraid this will ruin their account.

I just want to say, TAYOR, trade at your own risk... Its just make me remember my old days where I trade with other signal without knowing why they do that and end up blow up my account. The lesson is priceless and I hope other trader will not experience the sick feeling of blowing account without knowing why...

It just my concern...

If you or this people who following my twitter make a trade based on it, my advice is stop what you do. Unless you know how its work, unless you crack how this system work. To be honest, this kind of trading system is new for me and I search through everywhere; to find if there people use this kind of system or analysis in their trading system.

None... I found nothing.

And I'm not genius of something, just lucky and hardworking. But deep in my heart, I know there is someone who thinking and use this kind of system; its just I don't meet them yet...

Happy trading!!!

Membro Desde Nov 24, 2012   38 posts
Aug 07, 2013 at 14:19
Currently I have 5 buy and 9 sell orders. With --300 pip floating. starting to feel anxious. But still, checking my backtest result, this kind of situation seem normal.

Maybe I think to much... for whatever reason, I will not defy my trading system. Lets see what happen next...
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