$FX 10k (Por Quick100)
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$FX 10k Discussão
Jan 14, 2013 at 06:06
Membro Desde May 15, 2012
234 posts
looking for PAMM investors starting up with 1k or with $100.
There will be only an setup fee if you sign in using my IB link, no other fees.
System runs at an real account generating 5-10% gain p. month since May 2012
Interested traders can get the history for this and more info
There will be only an setup fee if you sign in using my IB link, no other fees.
System runs at an real account generating 5-10% gain p. month since May 2012
Interested traders can get the history for this and more info
Jan 17, 2013 at 08:31
(editado Jan 17, 2013 at 08:33)
Membro Desde May 15, 2012
234 posts
Next News Trading Event is tommorrows UK Retail Sales...
News Trades are checked by blue quadrangle on left side in history and right now I trade only 1 lot, soon I will use risk in % or higher lotsize, lets wait and see...
News Trades are checked by blue quadrangle on left side in history and right now I trade only 1 lot, soon I will use risk in % or higher lotsize, lets wait and see...

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