Joe's Forex Open (Por Anubis)

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Joe's Forex Open Discussão

Nov 09, 2012 at 20:17
914 Visualizações
5 Replies
Membro Desde Jul 20, 2012   87 posts
Nov 15, 2012 at 13:52 (editado Nov 15, 2012 at 13:54)
Well, after spending the past 6 moths testing ALOT of bots, I've set this acct. to reflect some of the most powerful. Forex Growth bot, Million dollar pips, and Forex Hacked. One thing I discovered: ALL bots need tweaking of some type. My broker is Traders Way, using their VPS. All lot sizes are 0.01. At times, I may choose to manually close trades, and if so, will make a note to that affect.
"Risk means more things can happen than will happen."
Membro Desde Jul 20, 2012   87 posts
Nov 15, 2012 at 22:10 (editado Nov 15, 2012 at 22:16)
USD/JPY removed. USD/CAD added. USD/SGD added.
"Risk means more things can happen than will happen."
Membro Desde Jul 20, 2012   87 posts
Nov 17, 2012 at 00:30 (editado Nov 17, 2012 at 00:31)
Well, I knew I shouldn't trade on a Friday. Live and learn. Part of my problem is I had to many charts up foor the balance on this acct. I have taken all bots off this system except for Million Dollar Pips, beginning Nov. 18. 😁
"Risk means more things can happen than will happen."
Membro Desde Jul 20, 2012   87 posts
Nov 18, 2012 at 00:35
Also adding the newest version of Breakout Hunter. I used this bot a while back, and it did pretty good. Took it off to test others. So from this point EUR/USD is the only pair I'll be trading for a while.
"Risk means more things can happen than will happen."
Membro Desde Dec 08, 2010   139 posts
Dec 14, 2012 at 06:53
Whats ur comment about forex steam so far?
Courage is not the absence of fear,but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear
Membro Desde Jul 20, 2012   87 posts
Dec 14, 2012 at 11:49
Hello leverconsult. I'm using the light risk version, and so far, I really like it. The losses are very small, and the gains are fine for this low balance acct. I can actually sleep at night and not be worried it's going to wipe out the account. I did make a few changes to the inputs. Primarily changed the SL from 90 to 35. Planning to change the lot size from 0.01 to 0.02 on Monday. I'm very comfortable with it so far. 😎
"Risk means more things can happen than will happen."
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