Pipmaker (Por Raaymenx)

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Pipmaker Discussão

Jan 06, 2016 at 15:40
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30 Replies
Membro Desde Oct 25, 2015   259 posts
Jan 15, 2016 at 20:19
Membro Desde May 20, 2011   694 posts
Jan 15, 2016 at 20:26
bro you are fkin mental
Membro Desde Oct 25, 2015   259 posts
Jan 16, 2016 at 07:46
Be nice FXtrader2010!!! Time will tell if system will work on real account or not.
Membro Desde Oct 25, 2015   259 posts
Jan 16, 2016 at 08:06
I am working on a giant amalgamated system which should be a combination of my systems. I dont know what the world will do when they see it. Have been thinking about what name to give it. Have decided to give it my own name. Will make only the real account verified version of it public oneday. Stay tuned!!!
Membro Desde May 20, 2011   694 posts
Jan 16, 2016 at 12:26
ok good luck pal
Membro Desde Dec 29, 2015   1 posts
Jan 16, 2016 at 17:34
Wow, those demo accounts!
Membro Desde Sep 08, 2014   27 posts
Jan 16, 2016 at 17:37
Raaymenx posted:
Getting a real account verified for six months is no difficult task. This management firm I want to put together I believe will be a multi billion dollar business. For this reason, I want ample time to steady robot for at least a year on both demo and live accounts so I can make necessary corrections. However making history public is difficult for me because every smart coder can easily identify a strategy. You will see my deposits and redrawals. Please understand me

If you don't show your trading history, it's difficult for serious investors to access your trading risk and as such it's difficult for them to trust you. It's your own choice. Serious investors only believe in verified figures not your mouth.
Membro Desde Oct 25, 2015   259 posts
Jan 16, 2016 at 20:31 (editado Jan 16, 2016 at 20:53)
I have been thinking about what you said Centillion Consultant Ltd. Drawdown should be enough to give people a fair idea of my trading risk. You have a point when you speak of trust because to invest hard earned money in a world of growing scammers you need to be double sure who you are giving your money to. However I have to look at things both ways. Any serious coder with six months history of data should easily be able to analyse and understand the strategy of an EA. I cant and wont take that risk. Besides if it is true that EA is able to do such unimaginable returns there should not be any need to rush for investors. I started EA with only 300 dollars and in three weeks it has made close to 50,000 dollars; could have made more had my broker not put a limit to the lot sizes traded. We can both imagine where it will be heading in the coming days. I respect the contribution of others to grow a business but wont trade it for the blueprint of a company am trying to put together. Thank you
Membro Desde Sep 08, 2014   27 posts
Jan 17, 2016 at 07:32
Raaymenx posted:
I have been thinking about what you said Centillion Consultant Ltd. Drawdown should be enough to give people a fair idea of my trading risk. You have a point when you speak of trust because to invest hard earned money in a world of growing scammers you need to be double sure who you are giving your money to. However I have to look at things both ways. Any serious coder with six months history of data should easily be able to analyse and understand the strategy of an EA. I cant and wont take that risk. Besides if it is true that EA is able to do such unimaginable returns there should not be any need to rush for investors. I started EA with only 300 dollars and in three weeks it has made close to 50,000 dollars; could have made more had my broker not put a limit to the lot sizes traded. We can both imagine where it will be heading in the coming days. I respect the contribution of others to grow a business but wont trade it for the blueprint of a company am trying to put together. Thank you

With all respects, I don't agree with you. Only very few EAs on the markets are NOT scammers. Very few EAs do work. If you are right, smart coders can copy the code of those working EAs. But in the real world, this is not the case. Also, why do I need to spend my time writing my own EA when I can buy one at a reasonable price? If your EA works, many big investors (including me) are willing to pay over USD10K to buy it.
Membro Desde Oct 25, 2015   259 posts
Jan 17, 2016 at 07:53
In the process of opening a real account version of this EA. We can talk further on this matter after a real account has been opened and EA has worked for six months or more.
Membro Desde Oct 25, 2015   259 posts
Jan 22, 2016 at 10:18
Guys just saw tthe reason the PIPMAKER and all my other major systems are in real trouble. Broker is varying spreads between 10 points and 20 points. Originally it was suppose to be 10 points fixed. This has adversely affected the strategy because am being charged twice the original spread price. I expected a little drawdown around this time but it was getting too much till I saw this issue with the spread.
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