Project iCSR #1 (Por forex_trader_87655)
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Project iCSR #1 Discussão

Membro Desde Aug 11, 2012
2 posts
Jan 06, 2013 at 07:25
Membro Desde Aug 11, 2012
2 posts
First project for 2013.
Make $15 to $1,000
I use iCSR (intelligent CSR) Trading System.
I did not pursue quantity of trade. But the quality of the trade.
If this project goes smoothly, the next project waiting to be launched.
- For With God, All Things Shall be Possible -
Make $15 to $1,000
I use iCSR (intelligent CSR) Trading System.
I did not pursue quantity of trade. But the quality of the trade.
If this project goes smoothly, the next project waiting to be launched.
- For With God, All Things Shall be Possible -
Membro Desde Jun 28, 2012
51 posts

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