QFX Signals_50% Monthly (Por forex_trader_565984)

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QFX Signals_50% Monthly Discussão

Aug 07, 2019 at 08:09
1,302 Visualizações
27 Replies
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2018   144 posts
Aug 26, 2019 at 04:06
Today big price gaps during market open was observed in many currency pairs. Also, massive price movements have happened in multiple pairs within first few hours of the day.

Due to this, after long time this system has finally made some good profits. As I mentioned in this thread before, this system waits for massive price movements and enters very accurate and selective trades to minimise the drawdown and maximise the profits.

Unlike other grid systems it doesn't simply place trades continuously and hence, to use this system one needs patience for days or even sometimes for weeks.
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2018   144 posts
Sep 04, 2019 at 07:43
After long time this account has made some profit. Looking into the performance I can assure that it is the most safe and consistently profitable system.

The maximum drawdown so far has reached is 6% and I can easily say that the maximum drawdown can most of the times remain just below 5% to 10% only and it can make around 20% to 50% per month very easily.

But there are 3 main disadvantage of this system:
1.It places trades only during highly trending markets and so it can place a couple of trades in an entire week and few weeks it may not place trades at all. So you need to be very patient to make profit out of this system.
2.The monthly % return is low around 20% to 50% per month
3.The minimum starting balance is 2000 USD or more.
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2018   144 posts
Sep 07, 2019 at 06:55
This week was very dull and the system has made a very small profit of around 1.87%. I have decided to continue this system since I believe this system and set up can work in long run.

At the same time, I will continue to make improvements of the current system to make it more aggressive and more profitable to see if it can improve. Making it highly aggressive and trading daily doesn't seem to work which showed in my new system which failed before completion of one month.
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2018   144 posts
Sep 12, 2019 at 19:27
After long time this system has placed few trades and today it closed with a very small profit of 0.55%.

I know the system is very dull and slow, but the drawdown is also very low and this system is for long term and consistent profits and not for quick gains.
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2018   144 posts
Sep 18, 2019 at 12:23
Today 4 trades have been closed with a total profit of around 1%. Even though it is slow, but it seems to make okay profits with very low drawdowns.

Like I mentioned previously, this system is very good for very large account balances for steady gains with very low drawdown.
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2018   144 posts
Sep 18, 2019 at 14:58
Someone just sent a request through myfxbook for copy trades of this account, but right now the leverage of the account is 2000 and there are open trades.

Signalstart doesn't accept signals from accounts with more than 500 leverage and hence, I need to wait for few days to close the trades, then I can change the leverage and it will be available in signalstart.

I was hesitant to make this account available for trade copy, because it is not a get rich quick signal for small retail traders which many other providers try to promote and this signal requires at least 2000 USD starting balance.

So it is exclusively for large investors for steady and safe gains and with very low drawdowns. It places a couple of trades every week during normal market and it can place large number of trades during highly volatile markets.

It will be better and safe for me if I receive a couple of more trade copy requests before I make it available for signals, because I don't want to simply keep the account public for one or two subscribers.
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2018   144 posts
Sep 19, 2019 at 07:15
Ok, all the trades have been closed making a small profit of 0.36% for today.

So I changed the leverage and added the account to SignalStart.

Anyone interested to copy the trades can copy it here:
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2018   144 posts
Sep 25, 2019 at 04:30
There was a minor loss last week Friday in this account and few trades were hold from last week to this week.

This week started with an overall small profit. I know this is very slow, but at the same time it is very very safe and exlcusively for larger account balances.

I have made my signalstart account private until I receive at least a couple of requests for trade copy since I don't want simply someone to access the trade history of this account without any subscriber.
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