Ridiculous Scalp (Por fxinvestfund)

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Ridiculous Scalp Discussão

Apr 30, 2015 at 17:22
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36 Replies
Membro Desde Oct 12, 2013   152 posts
Aug 10, 2015 at 10:21
EquityArtistry posted:
Where to get this EA? I like to test it on my ailing gambling account.

Hi, it's not an ea, it is manual trading.
Trade safe!
Membro Desde Jan 01, 2015   43 posts
Aug 10, 2015 at 12:45
fxinvestfund posted:
EquityArtistry posted:
Where to get this EA? I like to test it on my ailing gambling account.

Hi, it's not an ea, it is manual trading.

Thanks for the clarification.

Membro Desde Oct 12, 2013   152 posts
Aug 11, 2015 at 20:22
Round 2 is off to a good start with a 15 pip scalp today!

I have made one small adjustment to my strategy, which should produce more trades at 10 - 15 pip take profit levels. I've also implemented a 50 pip SL so no more stop outs, but rather opportunities for recovery.

Keep up with the latest news regarding my strategy here - https://fxinvestfund.com/category/ridiculous-scalp-news/
Trade safe!
Membro Desde Oct 12, 2013   152 posts
Aug 15, 2015 at 10:28
The 1st week of Round 2 went well, a bit slow with only two trades, but good profit with both trades gaining just over 32% profit. This extreme growth in profit is due the increase in Take Profit, which is now between 10 and 15 pips.

Next week I'm hoping to produce at least 3 trades per week, perhaps more if market conditions allow it.

For up to date news about this strategy visit https://fxinvestfund.com/category/ridiculous-scalp-news/

Have a great weekend all
Trade safe!
Membro Desde Sep 20, 2014   342 posts
Aug 15, 2015 at 12:28
Maybe I'm losing my mind, but this is the second time I have to ask the question on this board..

You are aware the thing's wiped out ?

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I thought the ultimite aim of trading fx was to make money ?! Yet somehow people think showing an account with -99.87% return is going to get an investor ? Do people actually buy into this ?

I don't get it. I really don't.
Membro Desde Jun 18, 2013   18 posts
Aug 15, 2015 at 12:43
Make us some money dude!

Membro Desde May 04, 2012   1534 posts
Aug 15, 2015 at 22:02 (editado Aug 15, 2015 at 22:03)

Welcome to CASINO FOREX...! Enjoy the excitement...! Double or Nothing...!


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Membro Desde Oct 12, 2013   152 posts
Aug 16, 2015 at 04:25
FxMasterGuru posted:

Welcome to CASINO FOREX...! Enjoy the excitement...! Double or Nothing...!

Dude....... those dice look just like mine!
Trade safe!
Membro Desde May 04, 2012   1534 posts
Aug 16, 2015 at 05:08
fxinvestfund posted:
FxMasterGuru posted:

Welcome to CASINO FOREX...! Enjoy the excitement...! Double or Nothing...!

Dude....... those dice look just like mine!


Yeah, it happens. Probably we shop at the same 'Casino Supply Store'...

My strategy:
1. Roll the 2 dices 1 minute before London Open (LO).
2. If 2 'BUYS' = Buy GBPUSD for 5 pips at LO.
3. If 2 'SELLS' = Short GBPUSD for 5 pips at LO.
4. If 1 BUY + 1 SELL = No trade on that day.
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Membro Desde Oct 12, 2013   152 posts
Aug 16, 2015 at 05:59
FxMasterGuru posted:
fxinvestfund posted:
FxMasterGuru posted:

Welcome to CASINO FOREX...! Enjoy the excitement...! Double or Nothing...!

Dude....... those dice look just like mine!


Yeah, it happens. Probably we shop at the same 'Casino Supply Store'...

My strategy:
1. Roll the 2 dices 1 minute before London Open (LO).
2. If 2 'BUYS' = Buy GBPUSD for 5 pips at LO.
3. If 2 'SELLS' = Short GBPUSD for 5 pips at LO.
4. If 1 BUY + 1 SELL = No trade on that day.

LOL.... can't beat that...... that's a solid strategy right there!
Trade safe!
Membro Desde May 04, 2012   1534 posts
Aug 16, 2015 at 06:05

It is really very solid. Unfortunately cannot make an EA from it as the physical DICES are key elements.

On the other hand there are no emotions involved, except when the margin call comes...
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Membro Desde Oct 12, 2013   152 posts
Aug 16, 2015 at 07:45
FxMasterGuru posted:

It is really very solid. Unfortunately cannot make an EA from it as the physical DICES are key elements.

On the other hand there are no emotions involved, except when the margin call comes...

Brilliant stuff man! Hate those margin calls....
Trade safe!
Membro Desde May 04, 2012   1534 posts
Aug 16, 2015 at 08:32

Yeah... Those margin calls...


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Membro Desde Oct 12, 2013   152 posts
Aug 16, 2015 at 08:43

Like when that trade runs away from you.....


Trade safe!
Membro Desde Oct 12, 2013   152 posts
Aug 21, 2015 at 18:33
Week 2 of Round 2 is now complete and thanks to a 50 pip winner today I've managed to recover most of the losses of the week. Next week I'll continue with my approach I've adopted this week and I'm hoping to double my account week on week while keeping the 50 pip SL in place.

More info here - https://fxinvestfund.com/week-2-of-round-2/
Trade safe!
Membro Desde Oct 12, 2013   152 posts
Aug 29, 2015 at 13:15
This brings us to the end of Week 3 of Round 2.

More info here - https://fxinvestfund.com/blog/week-3-of-round-2/
Trade safe!
Membro Desde Oct 12, 2013   152 posts
Sep 01, 2015 at 18:33
With the change in strategy and analyses I moved over to a new strategy called Ridiculous FX. My signal for Ridiculous Scalp will be discontinued as of 01 Sept 2015. My Ridiculous FX strategy comes with a fixed 50 pip SL and a Take Profit between 30 and 50 pips. More info here - https://www.myfxbook.com/members/fxinvestfund/ridiculous-fx/1353436
Trade safe!
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