Russia treider1 (Por rimmametelkina)

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Russia treider1 Discussão

Aug 03, 2019 at 08:48
57 Visualizações
1 Replies
Membro Desde Aug 03, 2019   6 posts
Aug 03, 2019 at 08:52
Hello! I offer you two very good signals for making money on Forex!
The first signal, the profit for two days amounted to + 106% with a drawdown of 10%. I THINK IT IS A VERY GOOD SIGNAL.
The second signal, this signal for dispersal of deposits, the profit for 1 trading day amounted to + 356% PLUS TWO TRANSACTIONS TO PLUS 113 $ YET NOT CLOSED.
For each signal, the minimum deposit is $ 100, I advise you to subscribe to both signals, and a deposit for each signal is $ 150, if the author of the signal continues to trade in the same spirit, then in a month you will be very rich.
Membro Desde Aug 03, 2019   6 posts
Aug 05, 2019 at 07:56
I take management accounts from $ 1000
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