SmartForex (Por cdtforex)
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SmartForex Discussão
Dec 19, 2014 at 15:31
Membro Desde Jul 29, 2010
8 posts
THIS IS NOT AN automatic EA
For 2015 i offer a monthly service of trade signals by email everytime we open or close a trade in our platform.
You can choose to follow or ignore it, i'll send you anyway.
For the first 20 subscribers that send me a valid registration email, i give for FREE, 2 months of signals, starting from the new year.
After 20 subscribers i'll start to give for FREE only a single month of trading signals.
Grab your opportunity as fast as you can. Time can do the difference!
After the free period i ask you to OFFER to me an annual charge, based on what kind of profits have you done with my signals.
I'll made an average of all the offers and then i'll decide if maintain this service, or better close it.
It's an experimental service, so follow my system for all the update!
Best trading and living!
For 2015 i offer a monthly service of trade signals by email everytime we open or close a trade in our platform.
You can choose to follow or ignore it, i'll send you anyway.
For the first 20 subscribers that send me a valid registration email, i give for FREE, 2 months of signals, starting from the new year.
After 20 subscribers i'll start to give for FREE only a single month of trading signals.
Grab your opportunity as fast as you can. Time can do the difference!
After the free period i ask you to OFFER to me an annual charge, based on what kind of profits have you done with my signals.
I'll made an average of all the offers and then i'll decide if maintain this service, or better close it.
It's an experimental service, so follow my system for all the update!
Best trading and living!
Look @ the charts: ALWAYS! Keep Calm and TRADE ON

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