Start as equity analyst, trade equities for a few years. While decent, felt that profit from equities somehow limited and explore various trading instrument. Learn vast amount of analysis and fund management approachs. Arrive at a point where supply/demand as the sole force moving prices.
Feel lacking with just bachelor degree, pursue master degree in economics studies. Gain insight on advanced statistics as competitive edge but with limitation on technicalities of manual trade.
Interested in algorithm as a tool for trade. After 5 years, with insight from a friend(later became business partner) create algorithm with robust performance.
Feel lacking with just bachelor degree, pursue master degree in economics studies. Gain insight on advanced statistics as competitive edge but with limitation on technicalities of manual trade.
Interested in algorithm as a tool for trade. After 5 years, with insight from a friend(later became business partner) create algorithm with robust performance.
Estilo de negociação
Volume Spread Analysis
Wycokff method
Automated with RWI z3 trading algorithm
Volume Spread Analysis
Wycokff method
Automated with RWI z3 trading algorithm
Continous improvement
Sistemas por widh61
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May 09, 2016 at 06:28
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May 08, 2016 at 06:37