
Sistemas por wolfkamikaz

Nome Ganho Limite de prejuízo Pips Negociação Vantagem Tipo
wolfexpert 171.77% 28.79% 21729.0 Misto 1:500 Demo
Wolf 47.10% 11.17% 5323.1 - 1:200 Demo

Strategies by wolfkamikaz

Nome Ganho Limite de prejuízo Pips Desempenho
forextest +252.97% 52.00 253.0 forextest performance
numberoneWolf +68810.6% 6.37 6783.0 numberoneWolf performance
توكلنا على الله +153.46% 4.51 15382.0 توكلنا على الله performance
testnew +235.6% 6.73 23560.0 testnew performance
newtest +26.92% 3.40 2697.0 newtest performance
The best +967.93% 36.36 2512.0 The best performance
EURUSD +1423.56% 14.02 2860.0 EURUSD performance

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