Forex Crescendo
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I will never use an expert like this
I see very negative opinions here. My experience was just the opposite: I found the developer very open and honest, and the EA was the first that I understood what it does in detail (i.e. the logic programmed into it), and was able to semi-manually trade with it (i.e. make it trade according to the ideas I had about where prices are going to go next, saving me from having to watch the market).
The guy tells you to set the parameters according to the market conditions... Thats to hide behind something if the system fails... he'll just say ah your settings werent set according to the market conditions... He emails his clients alot, so my question is, why doesnt he then email his clients telling them when and to what to set the settings. Another thing you should ask yourself is, why is this guy selling if the EA makes so much money? I mean doesnt he make enough money from the robot he created? No, he makes the money tricking people in buying his EA then tell them their settings were wrong when they fail...
well , just bought that EA , by what I read here I better get my money back ,and don t even bother installing it
first I taught I was getting crescendo ultimate , wich she call latest version , just to my surprise get version1
the only good thing about this ea or that site is the nice web site , well done ,look like the spend more time designing web site that actually programming a good EA ,
if I decide to run this EA for a wile I will post my results here no BS just plain fact ,and I hope every one does the same ,after all we are in the forex market trying to make a few dollars ,
I agree with pipsquick. EAs are designed to take the risk a normal trader would not normally take. Infact that is why i have an EA.
Its ok and normal to intervene manually on EA trades. EAs are not perfect, so as a trader if you sense a trade has gone abit wrong its normal to intervene to save face.
thats my 2pips on the matter
First of all I did indeed read all of the manual and just about every post on the blog, and did much forward/back testing with the V1.2/V1.3 versions, so dont tell me that it was something that I didnt understand because its quite obvious that you dont know what the hell you are talking about.
Believe what you want to believe but there was no misinformation on my part. He was running this V1.2 on a dedictaed server for many months, and if you want to believe that all of a sudden he put on a trade by mistake to completely screw up a valid forward test, then you are a big dreamer and cant see the big picture here. And even so the EA should have closed all of the open positions at the default 30% DD, but he manually intervened to save face.
The EURUSD pair that I mentioned I was using to illustrate what would happen if the market moved 2000 pips in one big trend, but you obviously couldnt add 2+2 and really understand what I was saying.
I am not going to spend anymore time talking about this Crescendo EA, I gave my opinion as what had happened over the course of 2 months or so, and thats all she wrote as they say. All bullshit aside here, the bottom line is that its a HIGH RISK EA because any normal trader in this world would never risk more than lets say 5% of his account balance at any time, let alone risking 30% as per the default setting on the Crescendo EA.
So if you are a big fan of the Crescendo EA and that high risk style suites you, and you find PEACE as your motto says, then trade the hell out of it. But you are probably better off trading "Fly On The Wall" at Zulu which is a high risk/no losses signal provider that has been averaging about +1600 pips per month for 35 months now trading the GJ pair only, and thats where all of the big money($14.5 million to be exact) is trading on there live accounts at Zulu.
Mmmh...not entirely true..EAs can make you rich or poor depending on what you are using..quite a good number of hedge funds run on privately developed EAs. The success of EA is the logic behind it..thats the difference between a winning EA and a losing EA
wow what an intense discussion over FX Expert Advisor. Guys, I ve two advise for you:
1. EA can't make you rich.
2. If you can trust your hard earn $10,000 to an EA you bought for mere $200 then ignore rule 1.
pipsquick1957, before labeling as pile as bullshit anything you don't understand, please take the time to "read the manual". Crescendo is not your typical EA, and since you say you have 10 years of experience, one would have expected you to have figured that out.
Good thing you got a refund, that's why money back guarantees are for. Just please don't spread misinformation by posting reviews like this.
Yes, results can be totally different between brokers, because of the price feed and broker time, among other things (like the ton of settings that you probably are unaware of).
Yes, there was a manual trade, among those that led to the DD in Oct 2010 - if you would have bothered to read the blog post you would have seen it was no attempt to deceive anyone, it was a real trade opened by mistake. You can check the history and see it was closed at a different time than the basket, which indicates it was not closed by the EA.
Yes, there is a stop loss, it's exactly that 30% DD you can set - myfxbook is at fault here by not properly calculating the floating DD, so the DD listed is the closed orders DD.
The EA cannot even trade EURUSD (up to the current version, it only trades GBPUSD and GBPJPY), so you obviously have no idea what you are talking about - and if it was a typo on your side, and you meant GBPUSD, that still shows how carelessly written your review was.
Well I bought this Crescendo EA and have returned it for a refund. For starters everyone had completely different results which is a big pile of bullshit, because there shouldnt be that much of a difference between brokers.
His live account ended up with 14 open trades with an OPEN TRADE DRAW DOWN of 35% at one point, but MT4 does not show OT DD and only shows the Maximal DD which was showing as 5.7% on his live account. But the Max DD was set to 30%, in other words all of the open trades should have been closed out once the 30% mark was hit, so he claims that one of the trades was executed by mistake, another pile of BS, and manually intervened to save face.
You have to realize that there is NO STOP LOSS at all, or maximum number of trades, period. This is very dangerous with any EA. He then came out with V1.3 right on the 60th day of the 60 day money back guarantee, how convenient was that. I was able to back test the new V1.3 version and got shit numbers, and the DD of course was not the same at all as the V1.2. The maximal DD was around 24%, and the PT DD was in the high 46-48% area. Even with the new version, the EURUSD could go back up to the 1.60 area and you could end up with a few open trades that are at -2000 pips each, which is suicide.
Is it worth the $149.00 ?? In my 10 yrs of experience I dont think its worth it, because its a time bomb without any SL, and the only way to trade it is with a small lot size like Lexicon was using, but then your ROI per month goes way down. Lets put this into perspective shall we, there is way better EA's out there for sale that runs circles around this Crescendo piece of shit. Go to FPA and check out the top 10 EA's and you will see what I mean. The Cable Run EA by Profitable FX is up +250% ROI in 6 months with a Maximal DD of .05% and a 70% winning percentage, and there is many more good EA's on there that are running on real live accounts.
Gerald, I understand you want proof and that is fair enough, but there is no need to attack some body who has posted and sharing their opinion. These attacks are why others dont bother to post . Lighten up "dude"
Lexicon, you are so full of BS it is not even funny: You show me a .jpg of your myfxbook page but will not actually show THE ACTUAL page...I bet it is unverified and you would not show your page and details as I show mine. Hell I could hide all the details of my Blessing EA account and name it suckitEA and see how many idiots will buy since it makes more daily than yours does...but you see, integrity is not something you can buy by the pound...you either have it or you don't. Looks like you could use a pound of it.
You want to vouch for a good product? SHOW IT, undisclosed, no buts. Your statement above is questionable at best. And no one is buying it here dude.
I trade crecendo since 4.10.2010. - 41 Trades, Pips +1228 +129.70 with a Balace of CHF 500. Lot size 0.01 (this is the key) Drowdown 4.09% - Recomended is a lotsize of 0.01 per CHF 1000.-.
I trade many EA's on my account but until now it's the best 0.49%/Day.
I make no backtest with new EA's - Therefore is this real Account by Alpar UK.
I made a Screenshot for you - now - hope it helps - Greetings from Switzerland
Lexicon, i don't see how you could sleep at all with all your red.
This goes to anyone using this EA, if you have something good to say about it, SHOW it...with every part of it validated and shown.
Period. Anything else and this is a scam.
You can sleep well with this product
I think Andrea talks about strategies regarding timezone shifts on his blog http://www.forexcrescendo.com/blog/
do yot have any strategy by just looking at time zones at diffrent time frames?