Jan 13, 2011 at 18:41
4,188 Zobrazení
23 Replies
Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2011 at 18:41 (upravené Jan 13, 2011 at 18:49)
"There will be many more exciting developments in 2011, including the imminent release of a MetaTrader 4 trading platform. This additional platform release has been eagerly anticipated by many MT4 traders, who want customizable, automated access to our low spreads. "

grimfd aka elkart in this forum is furious.

i did tell him a thousand times that this was going to happen.

i told him that he was wasting his time with the oanda api.

i told him that he was going to spend a lot of money and time gearing up to use the oanda api.

and then i told him that they are going to use metatrader and then the oanda api will no longer be supported...

and then you will be the proud owner of a very expensive door stop.

i must admit that he, elkart aka grimfd, is a much better people person than am i.

but he is a hard headed monkey.

i tried to tell him.

metatrader is the industry standard.

it is used by countless brokers.

it runs like a tank.

do you know why he chose to go with the oanda api?

because you can close multiple trades with one request of a reversal of that posiition.

because metatrader can be a bit sluggish.

so what?

metatrader just keeps running and running and running.

and, guess what? the oanda java platform will now proceed to fall flat on it's face.


cuz the first time that live traders at oanda cant access their trades cuz of some java glitch or some dot net fiasco...

they are gonna load up the metatrader.

and it is going to work like gangbusters.

it always does.

and then oanda will announce that it is phasing out it's java platform and crapped out api.

so, myfxbook people, i would not worry about your not being able to access those lengthy history files any longer..

hey, mr elkart, you monkey headed moron, enjoy using your new metatrader.


oanda forum link

Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2011 at 18:44 (upravené Jan 13, 2011 at 18:47)
and do you realize what this will mean?

oanda is now just another metatrader broker.

a metatrader broker with extremely weak customer service.

oh, i am sorry, they are just another metatrader broker with weak customer service and a really cool forum.

maybe they could just scrap the whole trading thing and go into the forum business?

i would personally suggest that anybody with sizable accounts at oanda consider running for the hills.

oanda is going to drift off into bankruptcy.

it will be quite painful for them.

Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2011 at 18:53
notice how they are scrambling in the forum...

oanda forum link

omg, they say, metatrader cant keep up with my oanda api!!


i am up to my eyeballs in development costs with this oanda api and, omg, i think i phkd up.

i should have just gone with metatrader.

enjoy the ride down, mr grimfd.


Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2011 at 18:56 (upravené Jan 13, 2011 at 18:57)
do you think your robot on mt would work as good as on current api? maybe but its too early to know

im wondering how it is going to cope with bigger flood of orders than current api. would require huge resources

dont worry yet.maybe there will be some limitations for automated systems on oanda's MT platform. lets see

yes, i do, actually.

except for one small issue...

oanda is just simply horrible at dealing with software issues and they will probably not be one of the better mt4 brokers..

which means one thing...

they are toast.

again, may i suggest to oanda that there are some very big opportunities in the forum operations business.

they are quite good at running a forum.


any two year old can run a forum.

Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2011 at 19:04 (upravené Jan 13, 2011 at 19:09)
i am guessing that oanda will most likely go out of business over this move.

oanda's traders will eventually jump ship.

they will realize that oanda is dead in the water.

and when oanda begins sinking, they will bucket shop your trades to death.

oh, wait, they are already doing that.

good night.


Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2011 at 19:13 (upravené Jan 13, 2011 at 19:18)
i can hear the buzz now..

1. stop everything that you are doing with the oanda api.
2. do not pay the oanda api fee.
3. cancel the oanda api service.
4. tell the oanda api coders that they can take off a few days.
5. turn off that dammed linux box!
6. turn off that ridiculous java platform.

Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2011 at 19:25
btw, it is my opinion that probably the sweetest metatrader broker to trade at is the australian branch of interbankfx.


you see, oanda is going to turn into something of a catfight now.

while they had a somewhat functional api, they have now lost that customer base by announcing the metatrader release.

the current oanda api customer base is going to be nervous about spending additional funds on the oanda api out of fear that it will be phased out.

next, the oanda api customer base will realize that oanda is not the best metatrader broker and they will jump ship.


It is going to be like the The Crash of 1929.
Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2011 at 21:37 (upravené Jan 13, 2011 at 21:56)
Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2011 at 21:40 (upravené Jan 13, 2011 at 21:57)
Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 13, 2011 at 21:51
this move to metatrader also means that http://fxspyder.com is out of business as far as oanda is concerned.

time to start passing out those resumes, spidermen..


what is that you say?


that is rude.


can you say anything besides pip?


it looks like we have some kind of a madman on our hands..


didnt we attend harvard? do we need to listen to this man chanting pip all day long?


Členom od Jun 23, 2010   302 príspevkov
Jan 15, 2011 at 04:17
This is great news.
Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 16, 2011 at 09:14 (upravené Jan 16, 2011 at 09:17)
the oanda conversation regarding this can be found at:


Originally posted by c3c:
Surprised at all of the concern about MT4 causing performance issues for FxTrade.

I just do not understand the concern about a flood of orders. Scalpers hate MT4!!! Scalpers could possibly use MT4 for a clean data stream and then use AutoIT to submit orders into FxTrade. But very few will attempt it. With FxSpyder's new pricing why bother!


You're absolutely right; by the way as I know that issue can be solve if Oanda MT4 uses "bridge" called the FTT (Fair Trading Tech) like allready used by the DUKASCOPY (from Swiss); so the Scalper can execute just like at FX-Trade platform (No Requotes, No Freezze, etc)

i would take all of that post, above, with a grain of salt.

just cuz he says that dukascopy is doing something a particular way, dont just swallow that.

and it is my opinion that if you are going to roll out the metatrader, call metaquotes.net and ask them what is the absolutely proper way to roll out their software product.

do not just take the word of some aftermarket donkeykong, he may or may not be telling the whole story.

it is in the best interest of metaquotes corp that you get the best of the best.

their product is the best of the best.

metatrader rocks.

i have been coding since early 1983 and i am a demanding coder and i have yet to find any thing about metatrader that i dont like.

my hat is off to those fine gentlemen at metaquotes.



Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 17, 2011 at 14:12
Originally posted by GrimFD aka elkart:

Still need to be a pro coder basically to use it. I make changes to existing code no problem, but I can't write from scratch, even after all these years of using it.

MT has one very big achilles heel, when you send an order it has to wait for the response or you get a "trade context" error. In that time you can't process data or do anything. With the API I can keep calculating and firing off orders.

When it comes to high volume stuff and position maintenance, one can close out an existing position without generating a new trade, but to add to a position you have to generate a new trade. In MT you have to close each one and wait for the reply, then do the next one. It takes MT 7 hours to do what the API can do in 30 seconds. I just send a single apposing order and O closes all the trades out at their best server speed.

So the API is a far superior way of handling your trades. The only benefit MT has is that it automatically monitors and re-connects itself in case of a disconnection.

And lastly MT5 has already been launched. Why not support that?

Oh boy, you haven't tried MT5 I presume. Try this on for size: ONE(1) STOPLOSS and ONE(1) TAKEPROFIT SERVER-SIDE ORDER *PER PAIR* (not per trade). And don't get me even started on MQL5 which looks like a half-*** C-- but feels like assembler with its per-type functions (like OrderGetInteger(), OrderGetDouble() etc). I mean ROFL

i find it odd that mr grimfd is so childishly difficult with me, considering that i am quite an astute coder and he is admittedly not.

i would like to suggest to him that he simply give up with making all of the arguments regarding his beloved oanda api, cuz it is going byebye.

people, herds of people especially, take the shortest path from A to B.

they like to take the path that produces the least resistance.

oh, metatrader is free? metatrader it is.

my oanda api is on the fritz? fire up the metatrader.

oanda will stop supporting thier api.

i guarantee it.

notice how sabrina has stated that oanda has no IMMEDIATE plans to do away with the oanda api or the java platform.

the keyword is immediate.

now, mr grimfd, face the music and turn off the linux box.

i do personally enjoy writing c code under linux myself, but metatrader was designed to run on a windows box.

regarding all of those people that think they are hot sht cuz they got it to run on linux...

this is the wrong thing to do.

get a freaking windows box and run it the way that it was designed to run.

metatrader, unlike the oanda api, runs just fine on a P2 processor with 128 megs or 256 megs of ram.

and it runs like greased butter.

now, regarding your issue where you have thousands of trades on the table at any given time...

rethink your strategy, that is all that i am saying.

if your strategy requires you to have that many trades in play at any given time, i think that it is time to go back to the drawing board.

you dont have a strategy.

you have money to burn, that is what you have.

good morning.
Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 17, 2011 at 14:26 (upravené Jan 17, 2011 at 14:33)
winsor posted:
This is great news.


i sincerely regret to have to inform you that you have been blocked.


Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 17, 2011 at 18:13 (upravené Jan 17, 2011 at 18:33)

I have looked at MT4 and find it of no value to trend traders like me.

Trend traders like me don't need or worry about alarm bells..tight spreads..disconnects..news reports..etc.

all we need is a simple platform to set limit orders and a way to find trend direction.

if MT4 works for scalpers/daytraders..etc. then im happy for you.


click the oanda forum link, above, and notice how mary sue had to ask what metatrader is and then sabrina gave her the metaquotes.net link and then a whole hour and twenty minutes later mary sue comes to the conclusion that metatrader is useless to trend traders.


what we have going on in the oanda circus right now is we have a lot of people that have an interest in fxspyder.com and dont really want to see metatrader adopted by oanda cuz they know or at least suspect that metatrader will put them out of business.

same goes for the current oanda api paying users, they know what i have been saying all along and that is that if you spend a lot of time and money building oanda api code and then whoops... no more oanda api? guess what? you are stuck holding a very expensive door stop.

it is my opinion that oanda is simply impotent as a software house and it is my opinion that they will lose the majority of their business over their handling of this transition to metatrader.

it is my opinion that they are not handling the transition properly.

they are going to very soon lose their existing trader base and their existing api users.

and then what will they be?

just another metatrader broker.

and not a very good one, i might suggest.

oanda's customer service is the absolute worst.

oanda's handling of technical support is definitely lacking.

for them to just get geared up with metatrader is really inadequate.

and then gunna at the bottom of that oanda forum link, above, gunna thinks that spending $835.00 per year is a good thing, heck, you can make that back on one good trade gunna says.. poppycock i say. fxspyder is useless. it has no user base which translates to it has no funding to speak of and that translates to it is not going to be able to afford to invest into fixes and whatnot and what were they thinking building the fxspyder business around a model that services only oanda and fxcm anyways? i believe that fxspyder provides api connectivity to oanda users and to fxcm users, but i could be mistaken about this issue.

fxspyder is soon to be out of commission and bankrupt.

it is my firm opinion that there is only one way for oanda to fix it's current slew of problems and that is that they simply must stop cutting corners.

fix the customer service shortcomings.

fix the connectivity issues.

streamline new account signups.

streamline deposit and withdrawl handling.

and get your trading servers on site!!!!
only a freaking moron would ever consider having such mission critical servers hosted at some humpty dumpty server farm.

and, for the love of god, get some decent forum moderators that actually know the difference between their azzez and a hole in the ground.

jesus h. christ.


Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 18, 2011 at 06:50
while my automated trades are running, i will enjoy sitting around and playing a friendly game of sink the trader.

the goal of the game will be to wipe out financially the traders that are listed on the sink the traders list.

mark jackson
professor stumm
bruce margolese
missy mayy

Členom od Jan 06, 2011   233 príspevkov
Jan 18, 2011 at 07:15

dodgesparks posted:
while my automated trades are running, i will enjoy sitting around and playing a friendly game of sink the trader.

the goal of the game will be to wipe out financially the traders that are listed on the sink the traders list.

mark jackson
professor stumm
bruce margolese
missy mayy

This is Damn funny
Knowledge Is Power
Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 18, 2011 at 22:09 (upravené Jan 18, 2011 at 22:12)

i realize that seems funny.

but i am not even smiling.

not about this.

this is serious.

very... serious..

anyways, where was i? oh yes..

regarding oanda and their handling of this metatrader rollout..

they are totally messing it up.

they didnt even test everything before they rolled it out..



Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 19, 2011 at 19:05
looking back, i suppose that i was thinking all along that if oanda would just get geared up to use metatrader that their software problems would somehow iron themselves out by themselves.

of course, tho, i was thinking that they would handle the rollout in a proper way.

/but it is my opinion that they just simply are not competent to run a software business.

i do realize that i can be harsh, a bit, at times, but what i am saying is not about my being harsh.

what i am saying is about how it is.

oanda is screwing up this rollout thing bigtime.

i almost cant believe it, but they are already having the same kinds of software problems with metatrader that they had all along with their java platform.

if they are not really careful, this will bankrupt their organization.

for starters, i have always all along been one of the strongest supporters of the metatrader platform.

i have several years of fairly intense coding experience using the metatrader platform and it's simply wonderful programming language.

and, yes, i have written a very intense dynamic link library(DLL) for my code.

my dll implements two way communications with a second computer that runs a very old version of microsoft dos and the code on that box is written using a very antique version of a c compiler from borland.

in the oanda forum, they are finding bugs after their initial release that shows that they didnt even have their leverage issues setup properly for gold.

oh my.

and they are requiring some weird setup where you have to tell the java platform that one of your subaccounts is to be used by metatrader.

huge mistake.


also, they have completely killed their nice little model whereby you can trade a single unit of currency and decided to require minimum trades of 1,000 units.

another huge mistake.

they could have stuck with their single unit trading model by futzing with something in their server side metatrader software.

awesomely huge mistake.

i wish that i had the option to short sell oanda.

also, another thing that oanda is doing improperly in their rollout is:

they did not even come into the forum and create a special forum section that is dedicated to metatrader conversations.


there should have been a special thread that provides details about what the recommended hardware is to run metatrader.


they have people in their forum, in random threads no less, making conversations about getting metatrader running on a mac and getting it running on linux using wine.

oh no.

with mission critical software like this, omg, why dont you all just try to get it running on your webtv terminal, for the love of god?

with something like metatrader, YOU WANT TO RUN IT AS IT WAS INTENDED TO RUN.

the most important factor to consider about a trading bot is stability.

anything that is introduced into your trading system, such as unnecessary emulators, etc, CAN ONLY SERVE TO INTRODUCE POTENTIAL PROBLEMS INTO YOUR TRADING SYSTEM.

i dont really care if it runs under linux.

i dont really want to know if it runs on your fancy macintosh.

i do want to know that when i leave my trading bot running that it will run for years and years and years without so much as hiccupping.

in closing, the major blunders that oanda has made are as follows:

not fully testing the platform prior to any kind of release.

not sticking to their minimum one unit trading model.

tying the metatrader and fxtrade together was a huge mistake.

they really need to UN-ROLLOUT that rollout thing and rethink their plans.

personally, i am confident that i could have completely fixed all of their problems without even using metatrader.

their problems are not really that big of a deal.

but oanda just loves to take the easy way and they love to cut corners.

oh well, not my problem.




Členom od Dec 09, 2010   161 príspevkov
Jan 22, 2011 at 05:10
this is interesting.

oanda has setup metatrader to not allow you to specify how much slippage you get when you place an order.

in other words, they can give you whatever price that they want to give you?

this is ridiculous.

also, it is really poor judgement on their part when they decided to link the metatrader into their existing fxtrade system.

if fxtrade goes down, guess what, so does metatrader.

oanda is an obvious bucketshop.

they did not fully test their metatrader installation prior to rolling it out.

they could have retained their minimium single unit trading model with metatrader, but they did not.

they require you to setup a subaccount in their java platform and then enable it for trading with metatrader.

whoa. huge huge huge mistake.

i am thinking that i am going to do some stress testing with their metatrader system.

i have a university that i can go to that has a severely high speed connection.

i will optimize my system to run at the fastest speed possible.

then i will load up about twenty metatrader terminals.

and all of em are going to be spitting nonstop trade requests that will pretty much stress test their system.

it might even crash their sht, if all goes sour.

i suspect that now that metatrader is linked into their fxgame/fxtrade system that metatrader could actually bring their fxgame and fxtrade systems down to a slow crawl. which makes me think that i will need an fxtrade account so that i can stress test their fxtrade system also. i am thinking that i could write a mt4 script that places a slew of limit orders and adjusts the takeprofits and stoplosses and whatnot and then closes them and then reopens them, etc, all on a ten dollar fxtrade account.

which, this means, dontcha know, that this will also bring fxspyder to a crawl.

i am just wanting to do some high frequency trading, thats all.


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