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Členom od Jan 26, 2011
974 príspevkov
Feb 06, 2011 at 20:46
(upravené Feb 06, 2011 at 20:46)
Členom od Jan 26, 2011
974 príspevkov
so, i have the oanda java platform fired up and wouldnt you know it?
guess what?
my terminal shows the current price, but no previous prices, no candlesticks, no nothing..

and then i tried to use the ADDFUNDS menu function...

wasnt it oanda that came into their forum and announced a couple of years ago that they had taken in some nine figures of investment capital?
one thing is for sure, they sure arent using any of it to spruce up their computer operations..
i promised ethan that i wouldnt slander oanda any more.
so i figured that i would back up my statements with images.
i give the heck up.
guess what?
my terminal shows the current price, but no previous prices, no candlesticks, no nothing..

and then i tried to use the ADDFUNDS menu function...

wasnt it oanda that came into their forum and announced a couple of years ago that they had taken in some nine figures of investment capital?
one thing is for sure, they sure arent using any of it to spruce up their computer operations..
i promised ethan that i wouldnt slander oanda any more.
so i figured that i would back up my statements with images.
i give the heck up.
Členom od Nov 06, 2010
27 príspevkov
Feb 10, 2011 at 21:38
Členom od Nov 06, 2010
27 príspevkov
you have weekend data hiding configured so that it hides everything.

Členom od Jan 26, 2011
974 príspevkov
Feb 18, 2011 at 04:26
Členom od Jan 26, 2011
974 príspevkov
OANDA will not use the controversial MT4 Virtual Dealer plug-in, which goes against OANDA’s policies of transparency and fairness.
plz, this is a very misleading statement.
oanda setup metatrader so that it ties directly into their fxtrade trading servers.
any thing that the boston technologies virtual dealer software is capable of doing can be done directly in the fxtrade servers.
the boston technologies virtual dealer plugin, if i remember correctly, futzes around with slippage issues, etc, and these issues are most definitely a component of the fxtrade system.
one more time, misleading statements from oanda.
OANDA will not use the controversial MT4 Virtual Dealer plug-in, which goes against OANDA’s policies of transparency and fairness.
plz, this is a very misleading statement.
oanda setup metatrader so that it ties directly into their fxtrade trading servers.
any thing that the boston technologies virtual dealer software is capable of doing can be done directly in the fxtrade servers.
the boston technologies virtual dealer plugin, if i remember correctly, futzes around with slippage issues, etc, and these issues are most definitely a component of the fxtrade system.
one more time, misleading statements from oanda.

Členom od Jan 26, 2011
974 príspevkov
Feb 18, 2011 at 04:28
Členom od Jan 26, 2011
974 príspevkov
0AFK0 posted:
you have weekend data hiding configured so that it hides everything.
actually, i turned off the weekend data hiding and the problem was still occurring.
the charts came back on after an hour or so.
no worries, if oanda was my only trading option i would give up trading.

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