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Psychology and Trading Strategy
Členom od Feb 10, 2023
1 príspevkov
Mar 16, 2023 at 19:31
Členom od Feb 10, 2023
1 príspevkov
Hello everyone, I am somewhat an experienced trader. Not enough progress or profit to call myself experienced yet. I'm looking for advice regarding one's trading style and strategy. Basically, I would set up my trades on trading view, and when setting up I've come across a struggle. For example: I would set up my trades, and post set up pre-trade execution, I would be looking at a trade with potentially 150, 200 pips in profit, but I wouldn't expect it to go that high, so I take profit at maybe 60, 80 pips. 60 and 80 pips really isnt bad (I'm a scalper) but looking at from a whole, I get upset because money is money but I should have foreseen or told myself stay in a trade longer than that. How do you capitalize on the most you can during a trade? What helps you know and continue to stay confident that at soon as your trade is placed you capitalizing on the most you can before the market reverses, or the trend breaks, or etc... Like how do I teach myself and understand, there are more pips to gain and the trade is not finished?
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