WhyIt is impossible to find any Forex account longer than 5 years with profit?

Aug 15, 2014 at 17:29
3,730 Zobrazení
29 Replies
Členom od Feb 26, 2014   97 príspevkov
Aug 15, 2014 at 17:29 (upravené Aug 15, 2014 at 17:58)
Hello experience traders .
We all know forex markets has been available to trade long times and surely longer than 10 years .
We know the fact that myfxbook.com and some other website tracking report longer than 5 years .
Why it is impossible to find any Forex account longer than 5 years with profit?
That means all traders will lose money at the end ??
I can see hundreds , even thousands account with track record few months , 6 months .. with crazy growth and most of them shorter than 1 year .
Rarely you can see some account with longer than 1 years or very very few with few years record.
and one very interesting thing I find out is any account with track record longer than 1 year survive must has grow < 20 % a month . ( almost all account with grow more than 20% a month will be wipe out at the end ) .
Any account can survive more than 2 years must has growth < 10 % a month .
Very few account survive more than 3 years but all of them has growth < 5% a month .
But none of them existing longer than 5 years .
My very close friend has been in forex market for over 10 years as investor .
He said He has been followed about 200 signal , PAM , MAM account ... at beginning most of them are good but slowly all of them fail at the end .
He has tried about 200 EA on market and none of them make him money at the end .
Many new babies make some money first at though they are supper man can make money forever but the fact is it is very very hard to survive in forex market .
So those number can tell us one thing : It is impossible to make profit in forex market more than 5% a month in long term .
(Any one disagree with that must prove it by tracking record ).
I think I have to be more be careful and never be greedy .
2-5% profit a month with DD < 10% is mandatory for me now . ( You can make any much profit as you can but DD must be <10% in order to survive long term )

When you think about that make you really wonder . what is really going on with forex market and traders ??
Any body has answer ?
Členom od Oct 31, 2013   89 príspevkov
Aug 15, 2014 at 18:40
ok lets see how many years i can survive
A trader can be an economist but an economist could never be a trader. They are too theoretical.
Členom od Jan 14, 2010   2279 príspevkov
Aug 15, 2014 at 20:33
Lack of complete trading plan/ method, lack of self control, lack of discipline, poor money management.
Členom od Mar 02, 2014   8 príspevkov
Aug 16, 2014 at 18:34
indeed, what you said is true that this one account has 4 years or record n it's about 5% on average.

One thing that we have to understand, though the concept to make money in trading is the same regardless of account size, the emotion is not the same. we may feel careless and take bigger risks trading a $1,000 account compared to trading say $100,000 account. Our mind has so much of subjectivity that it limits itself in growing. Let me illustrate:

$1,000 may mean nothing to some people, yet to some it's their monthly income and that is all they depend on to survive. So emotionally, it's different yet we are looking at the same dollar amount. So for people who value money tremendously to the point that they are so scared to lose them, will take smaller risk as their account grow though in the beginning they may have taken a risk taker/gambler attitude.

For those who are stuck with their gambler attitude will gamble more and think that money come easy. Easy come, easy goes and finally they realized they are out of luck. Unless we learn that trading is a business and as in any business, there is risk and it must be managed wisely, we are not going anywhere.

Simply Profitable!
Členom od Mar 02, 2014   8 príspevkov
Aug 16, 2014 at 18:34
We lost close to 50% of our capital in the gann trading system due to poor execution and trade management. Is this acceptable? Is losing 50% of your capital acceptable to you? It might not be for many if we say that means $50,000 but it will be okay if we say $50.

That is why we use percentage in all calculations because it put an absolute to what is relative. Hope this helps.
Simply Profitable!
Členom od Feb 26, 2014   97 príspevkov
Aug 16, 2014 at 23:35 (upravené Aug 16, 2014 at 23:39)
I just want to point out to all traders ( include my self ) is that forex trading is so risky out there .When we look at record and history we can learn something and more be careful , because history repeat it self and tracking record number tell the truth .
I see many of us with return of 10 -20 % a month or even more . The question is will it last in long term ? and sadly the record and history show us NO . any account with more than 20% return a month will be wipe out in log term .
That make me wonder should we keep going with high return or should we just do slow 2- 5 percent per month but may last long long times .
Scary record and history of traders ,is it ?
Členom od Nov 25, 2012   2 príspevkov
Aug 17, 2014 at 06:58
There are many consistent forex traders out there, but it doesn't mean they have to keep showing their accounts for everyone to see, in some countries that can be very dangerous, I live abroad, but if I ever go back to my country and have $ 100.000 or $ 1.000.000 on my account, I wouldn't expose that.

Now if you've been making consistent 5-10% a month with $1.000, you can make that with $ 100.000 or $ 1.000.000, some traders think just about money and then you get emotional affected, I think about capturing pips/risk vs reward, so I can go to bed and sleep well, no matter my account size, if I lose $10.000 in one trade and that means 1% of my capital, I know I'll be fine, because I trust my trading plan and stick with it, so don't think the fact there are no accounts with more than 5 years here, maybe they just don't want to show anymore, they don't need to prove anything else to anybody.

Trade your plan, you don't need to show to the entire world what you are capable of it, there are bad people out there, jealously people that want your failure, that don't want you to succeed, so that can be an excuse for their failure, and if you're not a stable person, that can affect you.

Happy pips everyone.
Členom od Oct 31, 2013   89 príspevkov
Aug 17, 2014 at 08:15

well said
marceluf posted:
There are many consistent forex traders out there, but it doesn't mean they have to keep showing their accounts for everyone to see, in some countries that can be very dangerous, I live abroad, but if I ever go back to my country and have $ 100.000 or $ 1.000.000 on my account, I wouldn't expose that.

Now if you've been making consistent 5-10% a month with $1.000, you can make that with $ 100.000 or $ 1.000.000, some traders think just about money and then you get emotional affected, I think about capturing pips/risk vs reward, so I can go to bed and sleep well, no matter my account size, if I lose $10.000 in one trade and that means 1% of my capital, I know I'll be fine, because I trust my trading plan and stick with it, so don't think the fact there are no accounts with more than 5 years here, maybe they just don't want to show anymore, they don't need to prove anything else to anybody.

Trade your plan, you don't need to show to the entire world what you are capable of it, there are bad people out there, jealously people that want your failure, that don't want you to succeed, so that can be an excuse for their failure, and if you're not a stable person, that can affect you.

Happy pips everyone.
A trader can be an economist but an economist could never be a trader. They are too theoretical.
Členom od Sep 20, 2012   1 príspevkov
Aug 17, 2014 at 19:21
With the right system you can trade very consistently and sleep well at night. I found mine and IF I showed my results to the world, many might scoff and say, "Oh my such tiny returns, that's boring or it's not for me". Well my TINY returns yield 2%-3% per month every month. (26% return last year) I trade 3 pairs, sometimes 4 if I see some severe weakness and I sleep well every night. I trade manually and have been trading forex profitably for 2 years.

Forex allows me to work my regular job and this is great because I don't need to trade Forex full time, my system would blow up if I did and this keeps me in check emotionally. (the secret to trading profitably, maybe?)


Forex - Money Never Sleeps
Členom od Dec 21, 2010   127 príspevkov
Aug 18, 2014 at 13:34 (upravené Aug 18, 2014 at 13:35)
Give me link to Your system please.
I don't see any in Your profile
Členom od Jan 31, 2012   165 príspevkov
Aug 18, 2014 at 13:43
@markproptrades excellent performance!

I also prefer tiny but steady gains !

Keep it up! ;)

Členom od Feb 26, 2014   97 príspevkov
Aug 18, 2014 at 14:09
markproptrades posted:
With the right system you can trade very consistently and sleep well at night. I found mine and IF I showed my results to the world, many might scoff and say, "Oh my such tiny returns, that's boring or it's not for me". Well my TINY returns yield 2%-3% per month every month. (26% return last year) I trade 3 pairs, sometimes 4 if I see some severe weakness and I sleep well every night. I trade manually and have been trading forex profitably for 2 years.

Forex allows me to work my regular job and this is great because I don't need to trade Forex full time, my system would blow up if I did and this keeps me in check emotionally. (the secret to trading profitably, maybe?)

I agree with you .
I would rather go with the system small gain but stable growth long term .
Any thing more tha 10% per month is risky .

Členom od Oct 11, 2013   769 príspevkov
Aug 21, 2014 at 03:09
It is true that a profitable account of over 5 years must have a large equity on it and its owner is not going to want to show that. Especially if he is being profitable and does not need to show his track record to any one, except his closest investors, which must be just a few or none.
Členom od Feb 22, 2011   4573 príspevkov
Aug 21, 2014 at 12:42
vinabao posted:
Hello experience traders .
We all know forex markets has been available to trade long times and surely longer than 10 years .
We know the fact that myfxbook.com and some other website tracking report longer than 5 years .
Why it is impossible to find any Forex account longer than 5 years with profit?
That means all traders will lose money at the end ??
I can see hundreds , even thousands account with track record few months , 6 months .. with crazy growth and most of them shorter than 1 year .
Rarely you can see some account with longer than 1 years or very very few with few years record.
and one very interesting thing I find out is any account with track record longer than 1 year survive must has grow < 20 % a month . ( almost all account with grow more than 20% a month will be wipe out at the end ) .
Any account can survive more than 2 years must has growth < 10 % a month .
Very few account survive more than 3 years but all of them has growth < 5% a month .
But none of them existing longer than 5 years .
My very close friend has been in forex market for over 10 years as investor .
He said He has been followed about 200 signal , PAM , MAM account ... at beginning most of them are good but slowly all of them fail at the end .
He has tried about 200 EA on market and none of them make him money at the end .
Many new babies make some money first at though they are supper man can make money forever but the fact is it is very very hard to survive in forex market .
So those number can tell us one thing : It is impossible to make profit in forex market more than 5% a month in long term .
(Any one disagree with that must prove it by tracking record ).
I think I have to be more be careful and never be greedy .
2-5% profit a month with DD < 10% is mandatory for me now . ( You can make any much profit as you can but DD must be <10% in order to survive long term )

When you think about that make you really wonder . what is really going on with forex market and traders ??
Any body has answer ?

5 years is simply too much. I have been with IBFX for years. They were great. Suddenly they sucks. So I move my accounts to Pepperstone, let's see how long they will be great.
Anyone who is stil developing and not standing at one place is looking for the best conditions for his trading, that's why I am still searching fro new opportunities, brokers, etc...

Also another broker changed the server name, pair name, etc. So the history is gone.
I think with my strategies account can last for 5 years. In any case many accounts following my strategies were already doubled. During half a year:)
At this break point the original investment could be withdrawn while you keep the same amount on account for trading. Thus generating risk free income.
Členom od Feb 22, 2011   4573 príspevkov
Aug 21, 2014 at 12:46
markproptrades posted:
With the right system you can trade very consistently and sleep well at night. I found mine and IF I showed my results to the world, many might scoff and say, "Oh my such tiny returns, that's boring or it's not for me". Well my TINY returns yield 2%-3% per month every month. (26% return last year) I trade 3 pairs, sometimes 4 if I see some severe weakness and I sleep well every night. I trade manually and have been trading forex profitably for 2 years.

Forex allows me to work my regular job and this is great because I don't need to trade Forex full time, my system would blow up if I did and this keeps me in check emotionally. (the secret to trading profitably, maybe?)

The profit are small but consistent. What does it say about your strategy? Nothing as you did not show the rest of information like DD.
Členom od Mar 02, 2014   8 príspevkov
Aug 21, 2014 at 13:34
marceluf posted:
There are many consistent forex traders out there, but it doesn't mean they have to keep showing their accounts for everyone to see, in some countries that can be very dangerous, I live abroad, but if I ever go back to my country and have $ 100.000 or $ 1.000.000 on my account, I wouldn't expose that.

Now if you've been making consistent 5-10% a month with $1.000, you can make that with $ 100.000 or $ 1.000.000, some traders think just about money and then you get emotional affected, I think about capturing pips/risk vs reward, so I can go to bed and sleep well, no matter my account size, if I lose $10.000 in one trade and that means 1% of my capital, I know I'll be fine, because I trust my trading plan and stick with it, so don't think the fact there are no accounts with more than 5 years here, maybe they just don't want to show anymore, they don't need to prove anything else to anybody.

Trade your plan, you don't need to show to the entire world what you are capable of it, there are bad people out there, jealously people that want your failure, that don't want you to succeed, so that can be an excuse for their failure, and if you're not a stable person, that can affect you.

Happy pips everyone.

Indeed, this is true because there will come times, when u dont' need to prove anything but only to urself.
Simply Profitable!
Členom od Apr 21, 2014   15 príspevkov
Aug 22, 2014 at 07:54
It's surprising how accounts from unknown brokers have wonderful history but as soon as they make their account public their real performance prop up! Also, people can manipulate their account in different ways showing as monthly gain in the account on autotrade. These issues must be addressed by myfxbook or nobody would seriously join it to follow profitable accounts as it would be difficult to differentiate between manipulated and non-manipulated accounts.
Control your risk, profit will follow you!
Členom od Sep 17, 2014   12 príspevkov
Sep 22, 2014 at 06:50
@Vn (vinabao) I'm confused if you make just 26% per year according to your earlier statement,and you have over 100% in your accounts,does this mean you made 100% in for years on each the accounts on your profile ?
Členom od Aug 20, 2014   6 príspevkov
Oct 21, 2014 at 14:56
Actually something that I need to ask, why some broker only valid for only some certain country?
Členom od Mar 02, 2014   1 príspevkov
Oct 23, 2014 at 09:51
Its funny how every one thinks that you have to be posted some where on the internet to actually have some value as a trader.

I am new to forums and couldn't help but comment on this topic,I am also little bewildered at the BS that every one goes on with!!

There is no trick or gimmick with trading

Develop your own style ,rules, money management and a good strategy and you will be consistent.

Don't be greedy because that will kill you! always remember as an investor you only receive from the banks three parts of nothing as a return, so any returns over 10% per annually should be considered to be fantastic!!

I have blown up six figure accounts due to arrogance and believing I was bullet proof and now due to 12 years experience and discipline make a fantastic living from trading.

Never quit ,and you'll always win, never rely on some one else s strategy because it might not suit you.

Take the time to learn the art of trading and develop your own style, don't focus on the money but focus on being consistent!

Always remember TRADE ONLY IF YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT IT and if you do what you love it will always reward you.

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