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Error: Pls check Propriety of Fields
Členom od Apr 16, 2024
1 príspevkov
May 22, 2024 at 07:41
Členom od Apr 16, 2024
1 príspevkov
when i type in my comments in fxbook for a trade taken.. i get the captioned "error: pls check propriety of fields". what does this mean and how can one rectify it? Does this mean that only comments mentioned in MT4 at the time of placing a trade are captured in fxbook and that we cant put in comments later after the trade is captured in fxbook? or is there another issue?
Pls help/assist.
when i type in my comments in fxbook for a trade taken.. i get the captioned "error: pls check propriety of fields". what does this mean and how can one rectify it? Does this mean that only comments mentioned in MT4 at the time of placing a trade are captured in fxbook and that we cant put in comments later after the trade is captured in fxbook? or is there another issue?
Pls help/assist.
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