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FinFX account need.
Členom od Apr 09, 2015
6 príspevkov
May 30, 2015 at 10:48
Členom od Apr 09, 2015
6 príspevkov
I am from Bangladesh, I am trying to open a ECN / ECN-pro live account with FinFX but failed due to lot of requirement which are not available in my country. I know, here lot of friends who have account with them. I need this account to get live feed data only. So, anybosy can help me to provide an account / ID number and Password or investor password? I will not trade in this account, just for watch real market data. Also citifx broker ecn account is good but that is more tough to open account.
Please help me friends.
Thanks, Pankaj D Costa
I am from Bangladesh, I am trying to open a ECN / ECN-pro live account with FinFX but failed due to lot of requirement which are not available in my country. I know, here lot of friends who have account with them. I need this account to get live feed data only. So, anybosy can help me to provide an account / ID number and Password or investor password? I will not trade in this account, just for watch real market data. Also citifx broker ecn account is good but that is more tough to open account.
Please help me friends.
Thanks, Pankaj D Costa
Wish always for Happy Trading.

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