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Force recalculation of equity
Členom od Sep 18, 2013
8 príspevkov
Jul 10, 2015 at 08:41
Členom od Sep 18, 2013
8 príspevkov
Hi everyone,
is there any way to force myfxbook to recaulculate equity of your account?
I have two days with missing equity (rather equity equals balance) which distors the picture trying to evaluate equity and equity growth pattern. Currently I have slighty more than 61K trades (including deposits and withdrawals) in my History and last I removed and added the account entirely in myfxbook a lot of trades were lost, hence I prefer another solution.
is there any way to force myfxbook to recaulculate equity of your account?
I have two days with missing equity (rather equity equals balance) which distors the picture trying to evaluate equity and equity growth pattern. Currently I have slighty more than 61K trades (including deposits and withdrawals) in my History and last I removed and added the account entirely in myfxbook a lot of trades were lost, hence I prefer another solution.

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