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Managed Accounts

Členom od Jun 11, 2012
20 príspevkov
Oct 31, 2012 at 11:32
Členom od Jun 11, 2012
20 príspevkov
Its not a case of enough money, now 30% you find not unrealistic. I agree especially if you want to blow a account very quickly. Remember leverage worst inverse and is alot harder to make then it is to lose, because the fact is you cant back it up if you have large losses with margin. I feel as though you should study further.
RD123 posted:
If you think a 30% return on Forex is "unrealistic", I seriously doubt you know anything about Forex.
Ever heard of leverage?
If you are sweating whether or not to invest, then you can't afford to invest. Buy a bank CD or open an IRA and be happy with that.12264 posted:
Good Afternoon All, (AU)
I've been looking into inventing my money into a PAMM account/Managed fund although I'm struggling to find
a reasonable rate of return (monthly) having figures of 30% plus which for me is just to to much risk and
does not seem realistic in my opinion. If someone could point me in the right direction or even recommend a managed
fund you use and what returns you are seeing.
Geoffrey Reynolds.

Členom od Feb 11, 2011
1768 príspevkov
Oct 31, 2012 at 14:41
(upravené Oct 31, 2012 at 14:43)
Členom od Feb 11, 2011
1768 príspevkov
TheLastBear posted:rob559 posted:
you need to use a good martingale ,a good scalper or a very good grid martingale but 30% is very risky trading to be used
I have to disagree strongly.
well, would you let us know of a better idea?
Členom od Jul 03, 2012
178 príspevkov
Nov 01, 2012 at 08:33
Členom od Jul 03, 2012
178 príspevkov
Well, for starters risk equals the lack of knowledge. You need to understand the markets, do not use leverage that is too high and a martingale? Forex trading is not betting and using an 18th century betting strategy made popular in France is not something I would ever recommend. A martingale goes against anything used in trading.
There is plenty of strategies one can use to achieve a 30% annual return. It is very simple, but not easy and most will never accomplish that.
There is plenty of strategies one can use to achieve a 30% annual return. It is very simple, but not easy and most will never accomplish that.
Pax puts the X in Forex.

Členom od Jun 11, 2012
20 príspevkov
Nov 01, 2012 at 09:26
Členom od Jun 11, 2012
20 príspevkov
TheLastBear posted:
Well, for starters risk equals the lack of knowledge. You need to understand the markets, do not use leverage that is too high and a martingale? Forex trading is not betting and using an 18th century betting strategy made popular in France is not something I would ever recommend. A martingale goes against anything used in trading.
There is plenty of strategies one can use to achieve a 30% annual return. It is very simple, but not easy and most will never accomplish that.
Členom od Apr 20, 2012
5 príspevkov
Nov 01, 2012 at 10:56
Členom od Apr 20, 2012
5 príspevkov
12264 posted:
Good Afternoon All, (AU)
I've been looking into inventing my money into a PAMM account/Managed fund although I'm struggling to find
a reasonable rate of return (monthly) having figures of 30% plus which for me is just to to much risk and
does not seem realistic in my opinion. If someone could point me in the right direction or even recommend a managed
fund you use and what returns you are seeing.
Geoffrey Reynolds.
30% return in Forex market = no big deal.
Handing over one's hard earned money to someone else to achieve returns = BIG RISK.
Why not invest some time to learn forex and then try it out yourself?
If you are insistent on Managed Fund = Make sure that the trader/system you select has been around for a long time; Check the worst performance of the system and ask - could you take that hit in your account?
See how consistent the system/trader has been.
All the best.
Consistent income
Členom od Oct 08, 2011
41 príspevkov
Nov 03, 2012 at 17:32
Členom od Oct 08, 2011
41 príspevkov
Hey everyone, i was wondering please,
In order to trade OPM using a PAMM account with a broker (let's say FXCM), should I be licenced from the AMF, SEC or any other authority? Or am i just able to trade OPM like that without any legal structure and then receive my profits??
Thank you !
In order to trade OPM using a PAMM account with a broker (let's say FXCM), should I be licenced from the AMF, SEC or any other authority? Or am i just able to trade OPM like that without any legal structure and then receive my profits??
Thank you !
Členom od Jan 14, 2010
541 príspevkov
Nov 05, 2012 at 14:59
Členom od Jan 14, 2010
541 príspevkov
wahjay posted:
Hey everyone, i was wondering please,
In order to trade OPM using a PAMM account with a broker (let's say FXCM), should I be licenced from the AMF, SEC or any other authority? Or am i just able to trade OPM like that without any legal structure and then receive my profits??
Thank you !
As far as I'm aware no. This business is hardly regulated.

Členom od Oct 17, 2012
9 príspevkov
Nov 05, 2012 at 15:05
Členom od Oct 17, 2012
9 príspevkov
I'm a UK citizen, and to open PAMM accounts with a UK broker, such as Alapri UK who are one of the bigger brokers you do indeed need to be regulated and licensed by the FSA. This then leaves the alternative option to use a foreign broker, however these seem to be less well regulated, and actually finding out what client protection and broker liquidation protection you have is another ball game all together.
Členom od May 17, 2012
206 príspevkov
Dec 05, 2012 at 13:54
Členom od May 17, 2012
206 príspevkov
The best regulated brokers are in Australia. ASIC ensures that Australian brokers MUST open segregated bank accounts for every client. This ensures that if the broker becomes insolvent (goes broke) the brokers creditors CAN NOT access the clients funds (as they can elsewhere in the world.
As far as I'm aware, this safety is not available anywhere else in the world.
Anyone with an account can manage other peoples accounts with or without PAMM.
As far as I'm aware, this safety is not available anywhere else in the world.
Anyone with an account can manage other peoples accounts with or without PAMM.
Wait for the trade to come to you... be patient.
Členom od Oct 03, 2012
69 príspevkov
Dec 05, 2012 at 19:27
Členom od Oct 03, 2012
69 príspevkov
@pt49 : Do you mean that by law the Australian brokers are required to open a segregated bank account for each and every client, or do you mean that there is a single segregated account in which all the clients funds are placed ?
The market will go up, failing which, it will go down.
Členom od May 17, 2012
206 príspevkov
Dec 05, 2012 at 21:41
(upravené Dec 05, 2012 at 21:42)
Členom od May 17, 2012
206 príspevkov
wlk1 posted:
@pt49 : Do you mean that by law the Australian brokers are required to open a segregated bank account for each and every client, or do you mean that there is a single segregated account in which all the clients funds are placed ?
I just asked my broker and the reply is that the broker has a single segregated account for all clients funds.
In the event a broker becomes insolvent/bankrupt, creditors cannot access the clients funds (apposed to the situation in the USA for instance).
Years ago when Refco went bankrupt, we only got about 10 cents in the dollar back on our frozen accounts after the court cases and the creditors had been paid.
Refco was supposedly the largest retail broker in America at the time. A similar situation is unfolding in America again with MF Global in liquidation.
Wait for the trade to come to you... be patient.
Členom od May 17, 2012
206 príspevkov
Dec 05, 2012 at 21:49
(upravené Dec 05, 2012 at 21:50)
Členom od May 17, 2012
206 príspevkov
ChallengeFX posted:
I'm a UK citizen, and to open PAMM accounts with a UK broker, such as Alapri UK who are one of the bigger brokers you do indeed need to be regulated and licensed by the FSA. This then leaves the alternative option to use a foreign broker, however these seem to be less well regulated, and actually finding out what client protection and broker liquidation protection you have is another ball game all together.
In Australia the only requirement to manage someones account is that the broker must have your client sign an LPOA giving you permission to trade the account.
The broker then gives you limited access to the clients account so you can place trades only. You cannot move funds in or out, only make trades. Commissions to you for managing the account are agreed to between you and your client are managed by the broker each month.
Wait for the trade to come to you... be patient.
Členom od Oct 03, 2012
69 príspevkov
Dec 06, 2012 at 15:18
Členom od Oct 03, 2012
69 príspevkov
@pt49 : Thanks for the reply. I currently have that arrangement with my broker. For a moment there, I thought you meant that each client would have an individual account.
What are the implications of this arrangement ? From what I understand, only a portion of the total funds would be "protected" as a certain amount would have to be released to the broker to hold the positions.
What are the implications of this arrangement ? From what I understand, only a portion of the total funds would be "protected" as a certain amount would have to be released to the broker to hold the positions.
The market will go up, failing which, it will go down.
Členom od May 17, 2012
206 príspevkov
Dec 06, 2012 at 18:11
Členom od May 17, 2012
206 príspevkov
When a broker goes bust, they close out all open positions, which would mean the funds committed would return to the segregated account I should think.
I mean, think about it, a creditor could not access funds "in trade", and funds on a closed trade are in the segregated account, not at the broker.
I mean, think about it, a creditor could not access funds "in trade", and funds on a closed trade are in the segregated account, not at the broker.
Wait for the trade to come to you... be patient.
Členom od Oct 15, 2012
25 príspevkov
Dec 11, 2012 at 07:06
Členom od Oct 15, 2012
25 príspevkov
12264 posted:
Good Afternoon All, (AU)
I've been looking into inventing my money into a PAMM account/Managed fund although I'm struggling to find
a reasonable rate of return (monthly) having figures of 30% plus which for me is just to to much risk and
does not seem realistic in my opinion. If someone could point me in the right direction or even recommend a managed
fund you use and what returns you are seeing.
Geoffrey Reynolds.
In my opinion, in forex market, KEEP money is more importance than MAKE money.
I just can earn 10%-15% monthly with my own EA with MAX Drawdown less than 25%.
I prefer Stable Profit & Safety rather than High Profit & Risky.
Členom od May 17, 2012
206 príspevkov
Dec 11, 2012 at 20:52
Členom od May 17, 2012
206 príspevkov
The man was after "safe" returns and considered 30% drawdown excessive. In my opinion a 25% drawdown (or even a 20%) is also excessive.
There's nothing "safe" about using a 20-25% drawdown to make 10-15% profit a month.
In my opinion...
"Safe" is being consistent.
"Being consistent" is growing your equity/balance a bit every month, with little to no drawdown.
"Little to no drawdown" is (in my opinion) a maximum of 5% drawdown at ANY time, whether that be daily, weekly or monthly.
"A bit every month" is boring but will double your account every 12 to 18 months.
There's nothing "safe" about using a 20-25% drawdown to make 10-15% profit a month.
In my opinion...
"Safe" is being consistent.
"Being consistent" is growing your equity/balance a bit every month, with little to no drawdown.
"Little to no drawdown" is (in my opinion) a maximum of 5% drawdown at ANY time, whether that be daily, weekly or monthly.
"A bit every month" is boring but will double your account every 12 to 18 months.
Wait for the trade to come to you... be patient.
Členom od Nov 09, 2012
76 príspevkov
Dec 12, 2012 at 10:43
Členom od Nov 09, 2012
76 príspevkov
pt49 posted:
There's nothing "safe" about using a 20-25% drawdown to make 10-15% profit a month.
Actually in this case it's not a profit at all, if you already have lost 25% of your money.
But in general I totally agree with you, man.
If you want to end up with a nonaverage net worth, a “learn from someone else” attitude is paramount. Putting your ego aside and admitting that you don’t know it all isn’t easy, but it is the mindset of true winner ----Paul Tudor Jones.
Členom od Jul 03, 2012
178 príspevkov
Dec 23, 2012 at 17:27
Členom od Jul 03, 2012
178 príspevkov
RollingStones74 posted:pt49 posted:
There's nothing "safe" about using a 20-25% drawdown to make 10-15% profit a month.
Actually in this case it's not a profit at all, if you already have lost 25% of your money.
But in general I totally agree with you, man.
In general you should get what you pay for.
Pax puts the X in Forex.
Členom od Oct 03, 2012
71 príspevkov
Jan 06, 2013 at 02:40
(upravené Jan 06, 2013 at 02:42)
Členom od Oct 03, 2012
71 príspevkov
Hi there geoffrey,
Track my account for some months and let me know what you think 😄
Track my account for some months and let me know what you think 😄
If you work hard consistently eventually you will get it.
Členom od Nov 04, 2012
1 príspevkov
Jan 07, 2013 at 07:22
Členom od Nov 04, 2012
1 príspevkov
Coincidentally I found this thread and I would like to comment that systems with very little drawdown, must necessarily give a low profit.
Humbly @europips my system (now stopped for technical reasons in myfxbook), actually works with a low profit margin, but stable, with an average of 3.5% drawdown.
In last December obtained a 4% profit.
Systems with very low dd exists, but certainly not with a spectacular profit. So it's hard to find them in places where the only highlights, are the spectacular results.
The problem I have now is like selling my system, because it is clear that with a 4% profit per month, I can not offer it to everyone.
I accept suggestions.
Humbly @europips my system (now stopped for technical reasons in myfxbook), actually works with a low profit margin, but stable, with an average of 3.5% drawdown.
In last December obtained a 4% profit.
Systems with very low dd exists, but certainly not with a spectacular profit. So it's hard to find them in places where the only highlights, are the spectacular results.
The problem I have now is like selling my system, because it is clear that with a 4% profit per month, I can not offer it to everyone.
I accept suggestions.

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