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Market Update 6 July 2021
Členom od Jul 06, 2021
4 príspevkov
Jul 06, 2021 at 06:37
Členom od Jul 06, 2021
4 príspevkov
Israel is a great source regarding the outlook for Delta, and therefore economic lockdown risk around the world.
With among the highest vaccination rates, they are also doing in depth analysis and immediately sharing their latest research. Israel is now saying the Pfizer vaccine has a high, 90% and more, prevention rate against serious illness. However, the vaccine's effectiveness against catching the Delta variant and transmitting it, is drastically reduced to around 60%. Not the perfect result, but certainly helpful.
Straight trading ideas
Oil Price Saudi-UAE finding it difficult get along at the moment. The lack of agreement yesterday at OPEC, has again lead to another leap in oil prices.
Australian dollar Both currencies and commodities are showing some signs of life. The overall medium term shift higher for the US dollar may well still be in play, but on at least a short term basis, we could see some renewed energy in currencies and commodities here.
Copper Looking to break resistance and run higher. The next 24-48 hours will decide whether the energy is actually there to do so.
With among the highest vaccination rates, they are also doing in depth analysis and immediately sharing their latest research. Israel is now saying the Pfizer vaccine has a high, 90% and more, prevention rate against serious illness. However, the vaccine's effectiveness against catching the Delta variant and transmitting it, is drastically reduced to around 60%. Not the perfect result, but certainly helpful.
Straight trading ideas
Oil Price Saudi-UAE finding it difficult get along at the moment. The lack of agreement yesterday at OPEC, has again lead to another leap in oil prices.
Australian dollar Both currencies and commodities are showing some signs of life. The overall medium term shift higher for the US dollar may well still be in play, but on at least a short term basis, we could see some renewed energy in currencies and commodities here.
Copper Looking to break resistance and run higher. The next 24-48 hours will decide whether the energy is actually there to do so.

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