Trade Copying

Mar 19, 2014 at 20:10
664 Zobrazení
3 Replies
Členom od Jul 20, 2012   12 príspevkov
Mar 19, 2014 at 20:10
If I have a successful trade system and am copied by some paying followers (the standard 0.5 pips per trade), how do I ensure they do not re-sale my system to more followers and probably even earn more than me. This is not a scalping system.
Členom od Jan 14, 2014   166 príspevkov
Mar 20, 2014 at 13:43
If you afraid "they do re-sale your system" you'd managed clients account instead of 0.5 pips per trade :)
Členom od May 04, 2012   1534 príspevkov
Mar 20, 2014 at 22:09 (upravené Mar 20, 2014 at 22:10)
ssn00 posted:
If I have a successful trade system and am copied by some paying followers (the standard 0.5 pips per trade), how do I ensure they do not re-sale my system to more followers and probably even earn more than me. This is not a scalping system.

Which one is "successful"? I can see only one system with 0.45% profit and with ONE week history on a DEMO account... No doubt, to some degree it is successful. 😄
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Členom od Feb 21, 2014   11 príspevkov
Mar 22, 2014 at 21:09
Don't allow copying at all if you are really worried. Or use the Autotrade on MyFxbook and allow more people to copy making you a lot more money if you have a really good return
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