Buy low sell High. Am I missing something?

Jan 30, 2014 at 20:05
640 Zobrazení
5 Replies
Členom od Jan 18, 2014   4 príspevkov
Jan 30, 2014 at 20:05
I am finding the demo account very easy to make fake money on. I simply buy low and sell high..
I must be missing something.
Členom od Feb 22, 2011   4862 príspevkov
Jan 31, 2014 at 14:57
try a real account
with cent currency - profiforex has this type of account
so you deposit $10 and trade the same way like with$1,000
Členom od Feb 20, 2013   26 príspevkov
Feb 01, 2014 at 15:41
Hi, I think you should define the terms 'high' and 'low' ? :D
Členom od Jan 18, 2014   4 príspevkov
Feb 02, 2014 at 10:10
Great idea. Thanks for the response
Členom od Apr 30, 2011   39 príspevkov
Feb 04, 2014 at 08:51
woodenrouter posted:
I am finding the demo account very easy to make fake money on. I simply buy low and sell high..
I must be missing something.

No, you are ain't missing nothing! Seems to me you are the real McCoy, a financial wizard.
Now put some real money in there and just let your genius go to work.
Won't mid you throwing a few benjamins our way every once in a while.
Členom od Jan 18, 2014   4 príspevkov
Feb 04, 2014 at 20:16
skaboy posted:
woodenrouter posted:
I am finding the demo account very easy to make fake money on. I simply buy low and sell high..
I must be missing something.

No, you are ain't missing nothing! Seems to me you are the real McCoy, a financial wizard.
Now put some real money in there and just let your genius go to work.
Won't mid you throwing a few benjamins our way every once in a while.
face palm
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