Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?

Jul 30, 2012 at 11:35
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1,641 Replies
Členom od Dec 04, 2012   237 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 00:48
christop posted:
Traders re fxringleader scam

Thanks for your comments about the trader who had their account blown up by the so called "experts" at Fxringleader.

I am trying to make other traders (new ones) aware of the lies that Fxringleader claim on there myfxbook page, website and in their posts here.

fxringleader use myfxbook and other sites like this to legitimize there fraudulent claims and suck in noobs willing to part with their money. Unfortunately for Myfxbook it does nothing but drag this site down to the level of a b grade shonking ripoff site full of scammers and false information Not to mention adding to the public perception that currency trading is full of rip-off merchants and totally unregulated cowboys without ethics.

I have written to the owner of myfxbook and asked him to ban fxringleader as allowing them to post there garbage here is seriously damaging to myfxbooks credibility.

FYI The Australian Securities Commission ASIC regard fxringleader as a scam operation and are conducting investigations together with the FBI into their fraudulent practices.

I understand your anger. Yet someone opening an account, and blowing it isn't illegal. Illegal would be breaking the terms and agreement of a contract. If you open an account, and you give someone your username and password. It will be hard to claim some sort of illegal activity. Unless you can prove he is using your account to counter trade into his.
Členom od Mar 28, 2011   16 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 01:17
No Blowing up someone's account isn't illegal but advertising false claims on their website and via media etc does open them up to false and misleading advertising! This is my point and why I am highlighting them as they are very persistent operators here and use these sites as a front to "fish" for their next sucker.

Its blatantly obvious their tactics as you well pointed out. I've written to Ethan here and asked him to ban them as they really drag the whole industry down! The more we have companies like fxringleader making misleading claims etc and using genuine sites like myfxbook to promote themselves as some "authority" and "experts" the more this whole industry will come under harsher scrutiny by financial governing bodies and law makers leading to tightening and impact of possible tougher regulations making it virtually impossible for the non institution traders to trade.

All the very best with your trading Amberlynn...I enjoy reading your posts and rebuttal s re fxringleader and wish you lots of success and keep on sharing your knowledge here as its greatly appreciated.
Členom od Dec 01, 2011   92 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 01:50 (upravené Jan 14, 2013 at 01:52)
If we were Scammers we would change our IP Address and start a new web site And use a different Screen name on here.... Its Clear we have the same web site and nothing to hide.... Drag the Industry down - We have been around since the Beginning...shit we we where one of the first to even start Forex signal service Industry. before all the copy cats came out over the years. your not dealing with trading amateurs. Any ways the Proof is in the live account we have posted on myfxbook..... Grin and weep A$ the money Rolls into it...... 😈
Členom od Mar 28, 2011   16 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 02:36
Wow really? now your sprouting even more lies...been around from the beginning eh? How old are you? Your web site is built using stock images that can be lifted off a google photo site!!! why the lies? why state that you have never burn a clients account when you have gone through dozens? I can repost the clients actual account history with actual trades and initial deposit etc as well as your email reponces to them after their queries at why your plan 5 fully automated system burnt their account with in 8 trades!

but really guys why don't you get off this site and make some real money if your so good? why scam others peoples money hey?

As far as all the money you have rolling into your live account you sad loser is a measly $40 !!!! and its very easy to see you don't know what your doing as you overtrade!

I have taken a $500 account to $2000 plus overnight on several occasions and i know I was over leveraged and high risk but I knew certain factors about the markets movements and stalked the market waiting for 10 days to time my entry and pushes and I consider myself a noob here by no means an expert.

Are you some college finance dropout?? It must be hard running your scam from mommies kitchen table!!! and you call yourself "experts" christ! your nothing but a bunch of scam artists parting unsuspecting people form their money and giving FX a bad rap!
Členom od Dec 01, 2011   92 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 02:38 (upravené Jan 14, 2013 at 02:39)
Get some "LIVE" accounts under your myfxbook profile its looking empty.....

We are up 16 trades already tonight. what about you?
Členom od Sep 04, 2011   42 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 02:42
I'm sorry I must be in the wrong place. I thought myfxbook was a place for adults to connect live and demo accounts to this websites service to help us all track our trading progress more efficiently .

I think I must have stumbled upon a 3rd grade classroom.
Členom od Mar 28, 2011   16 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 02:50
yeah i thought this was a legitimate site connecting fx users together sharing strategies and helping each other not a front for would be scam artists to fish for there next customer....Why Ethan lets these con artist post there shit is beyond me and turning myfxbook into some 3rd rate advertising site.
Členom od Sep 04, 2011   42 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 02:54
Maybe you should try ignoring who you think are the con artist. Everyone here is old enough to take care of themselves. If they allow themselves to be taken then they deserve what they get.
Členom od Sep 04, 2011   42 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 02:57
The ones who are the con artist will eventually get whats coming to them. Just know that you will not be one of the victims.
Členom od Aug 06, 2011   326 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 06:23
rjm354 posted:
Maybe you should try ignoring who you think are the con artist. Everyone here is old enough to take care of themselves. If they allow themselves to be taken then they deserve what they get.

Precisely, Ray! 😎

I wish these kids would take their argument FPA...and leave the rest of us out of their BS. I'm vouching for Ray!
Členom od Oct 03, 2012   71 príspevkov
Jan 14, 2013 at 07:03
Fxringleader posted:
If we were Scammers we would change our IP Address and start a new web site And use a different Screen name on here.... Its Clear we have the same web site and nothing to hide.... Drag the Industry down - We have been around since the Beginning...shit we we where one of the first to even start Forex signal service Industry. before all the copy cats came out over the years. your not dealing with trading amateurs. Any ways the Proof is in the live account we have posted on myfxbook..... Grin and weep A$ the money Rolls into it...... 😈

Anybody chooses to subscribe to your signals is just..hmmmm too extremely freakinglyysdheasdj smart(owh gosh the waves of guilt in me while writing it allowing me to make the grammatical error) 😂

You sir have no idea about proper trading. Please just blow your own account not others. Not to disrespect but the amount of cases reported on fxpeacearmy and here on myfxbook should hold evidence on your lack of competence in trading. You really should not make others lifes' miserable. And surely would 'you' let a scammer go? I think even you as an intelligent human being would not.

I suggest go back to basics and learn fundamentals of trading. If you get better then yes by all means continue with your business. I just hope you would be successful always in your endeavour.

By the way, your real account is 1 week old. There is nothing to boast about. With an already 21.16% drawdowns and only a puny 8% increase you should not boast anything about it. The best you can do is to welcome people to track your account. Your demo account which has 1377% balance increased doesn't mean a thing as you have a boatloads of opened position of probably hundreds of pips away now. You didn't manage you risk properly.

All i can say is you trade like a novice even if you say you are an experienced trader. I am by no means know everything but i have seen quite a lot of things in the fx market.
If you work hard consistently eventually you will get it.
Členom od Apr 14, 2011   67 príspevkov
Jan 18, 2013 at 02:42
Just look at his results! Quite pitiful really. Profitable traders never offer to manage anyone's accounts.
Never ever ever give up!!!
Členom od Jan 22, 2013   2 príspevkov
Jan 24, 2013 at 11:02

i am testing out a very stupid idea, but it seems like i might be able to do it :D
Členom od Jan 25, 2012   1 príspevkov
Jan 24, 2013 at 11:41
6 weeks to double up ur acc? i can double up my acc in 1 day
Členom od Jan 24, 2013   1 príspevkov
Jan 24, 2013 at 11:41
i can do it ib 1 hr ... :)
Členom od Sep 22, 2012   48 príspevkov
Jan 24, 2013 at 13:09
azrulahmad posted:
6 weeks to double up ur acc? i can double up my acc in 1 day

gpanai posted:
i can do it ib 1 hr ... :)

dont talk guys. just show the long time results of a real account.
Členom od Dec 15, 2010   784 príspevkov
Jan 24, 2013 at 19:44
Im looking for 3rd party MT4 EA that can moniter my EAs trading and stop all trades once a profit target or stop loss is hit. There should be some free EAs that do this. Anyone know of a good one? I have setting on my own EA that makes monster profits and thens crashes. Need a 2nd EA to capture and hold those profits until its reset.

Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Členom od Dec 01, 2011   92 príspevkov
Jan 25, 2013 at 05:16
We can manage your stops and take profits to lock in max profits.... contact JN at [email protected] no charge just a demonstration. we will do the first 50 trades or so. its a part of our service we do not actively advertise. but we do it for a few dozen trading accounts already...
Členom od May 30, 2012   124 príspevkov
Jan 25, 2013 at 07:25
Professor53 posted:
Im looking for 3rd party MT4 EA that can moniter my EAs trading and stop all trades once a profit target or stop loss is hit. There should be some free EAs that do this. Anyone know of a good one? I have setting on my own EA that makes monster profits and thens crashes. Need a 2nd EA to capture and hold those profits until its reset.


just build it yourself, then you know what you want is actually happening.
I am the change in the market that causes you to lose :p / Watch out before I negative pip you! ^^
Členom od Apr 11, 2012   30 príspevkov
Jan 25, 2013 at 09:25

I would not be able to gain this profit last year. but learning from ur own mistake makes u a better man. u dont need an EA to gain those profit. EA dont learned from it mistakes. 😀
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