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scalping easy ?
Členom od Oct 17, 2019
12 príspevkov
May 21, 2020 at 09:44
Členom od Oct 17, 2019
12 príspevkov
there are multiple scalping strategies that can be efficient. The most challenging is finding the broker with conditions to suit you. I am trading at a broker with an ecn account called the "Scalper Account" conditions and rules are perfect for Scalping , no restrictions and no stupid limits you find at most market makers.
Členom od Jan 06, 2020
69 príspevkov
May 21, 2020 at 11:00
Členom od Jan 06, 2020
69 príspevkov
Scalping is quiet easy and as a professional, I use it too but I don't depend on only scalping, I have other methods incorporated into my trading style, if time for scalping, I scalp, if time for long range, I do that and if also time for other systems to be used, I do.
But one thing is, no trading day that passes by without me not scalping, it's a very great way to make profits, but you must have a Good Money Management to be a successful high profiting Trader. That is how I scalp successfully.
But one thing is, no trading day that passes by without me not scalping, it's a very great way to make profits, but you must have a Good Money Management to be a successful high profiting Trader. That is how I scalp successfully.
Market Direction
Členom od Apr 25, 2020
2 príspevkov
May 21, 2020 at 12:28
Členom od Apr 25, 2020
2 príspevkov
I feel it is matter of self discipline and keeping cool remain the challenge - a constant for trading forex, as you can some times see money coming to soon, forex is prone to greediness on click of button and expecting windfall profits added by news from all over people hitting jackpots, if it was so easy to make money we would see every next person leaving his job for trading, following system strictly and not overtrading is the key. he main culprit of scalping is sitting in front of screen - getting tempted - increasing stakes and finally shooting yourself in return. there fore all strategies are challenging this having little to do with in depth analysis, therefore easy to takeup.
Explore new source for additional profits
Členom od Dec 13, 2019
16 príspevkov
May 21, 2020 at 16:26
Členom od Dec 13, 2019
16 príspevkov
Scalping is an actual and popular strategy that can bring a good income.
But as with any approach, you must understand it completely, so that it does not work against you.
But as with any approach, you must understand it completely, so that it does not work against you.
Členom od Aug 11, 2017
870 príspevkov
May 22, 2020 at 16:42
Členom od Aug 11, 2017
870 príspevkov
In my initial stage of trading I tried with multiple indicators based trading strategy, but no good result I found! That’s way, I have already shifted with news trading analysis! I seem, news trading strategy is much powerful than any other indicator based trading!
Členom od May 24, 2020
102 príspevkov
May 24, 2020 at 07:30
Členom od May 24, 2020
102 príspevkov
Personally, I do not see anything difficult in scalping.
Členom od Sep 20, 2019
28 príspevkov
May 25, 2020 at 15:46
Členom od Sep 20, 2019
28 príspevkov
I know a lot of people use it because it can be the very reason for success. But it's not easy enough to figure out under what circumstances it's justified.
Členom od Jan 06, 2020
69 príspevkov
May 25, 2020 at 19:12
Členom od Jan 06, 2020
69 príspevkov
Saithidor posted:
I know a lot of people use it because it can be the very reason for success. But it's not easy enough to figure out under what circumstances it's justified.
I use scalping techniques a lot and I can tell you it's best if you know how to scalp, I can testify to that
Market Direction
Členom od Jan 06, 2020
69 príspevkov
May 26, 2020 at 17:10
Členom od Jan 06, 2020
69 príspevkov
And when scalping don't just scalp small pips, also scalp huge pips, this is my method of consistent profiting scalping
Market Direction
Členom od May 08, 2020
2 príspevkov
May 27, 2020 at 09:01
Členom od May 08, 2020
2 príspevkov
Scalping is a very good trading strategy where we can hold the positions for short time and make some profits. It is advised to use scalping only if you have experience in forex trading.
Členom od Jan 06, 2020
69 príspevkov
May 29, 2020 at 21:08
Členom od Jan 06, 2020
69 príspevkov
KellyJame posted:
Scalping is a very good trading strategy where we can hold the positions for short time and make some profits. It is advised to use scalping only if you have experience in forex trading.
My own scalping I hold for short and long time, I has been part and foundation of my trading
Market Direction
Členom od Apr 04, 2020
48 príspevkov
Jun 05, 2020 at 07:24
Členom od Apr 04, 2020
48 príspevkov
Many, of course, say that scalping is easy, but this also needs a little understanding.
Členom od May 27, 2020
29 príspevkov
Jun 05, 2020 at 08:50
Členom od May 27, 2020
29 príspevkov
Duktilar posted:
Personally, I do not see anything difficult in scalping.
Neither do i, if one has sufficient knowledge.
Členom od Aug 27, 2017
875 príspevkov
Jun 21, 2020 at 16:58
Členom od Aug 27, 2017
875 príspevkov
sometimes scalping causes huge trouble but overall its really good and comfortable for the traders who above have low amounts.
keeping patience.......
Členom od Jun 01, 2020
52 príspevkov
Jun 22, 2020 at 07:45
Členom od Jun 01, 2020
52 príspevkov
Yeah scalping is risky for newbies so they must have the needed knowledge before they try this trading style.
Členom od May 24, 2020
102 príspevkov
Jun 25, 2020 at 04:10
Členom od May 24, 2020
102 príspevkov
There are advantages, of course, to this, but still not as easy as it seems.
Členom od Jun 22, 2020
4 príspevkov
Jun 25, 2020 at 11:35
Členom od Jun 22, 2020
4 príspevkov
Scalping seems quite easy but the truth is it’s quite difficult. It has dynamics and complexities which can make losses in just a few minutes. Prices keep on moving up or down at a fast pace and you have to make a very quick decision. It demands much time in a day and monitoring of the desktop for a long time. Scalping is recommended to ones who have enough experience in trading.
Členom od Jun 23, 2020
32 príspevkov
Jun 26, 2020 at 10:20
Členom od Jun 23, 2020
32 príspevkov
Scalping is recommended to only those traders who have a vast knowledge in forex. It needs monitoring of trades for a long time in a single day. It requires a quick reaction to your trades. So, not recommended for newbies.
Členom od Apr 25, 2020
115 príspevkov
Jun 27, 2020 at 03:24
Členom od Apr 25, 2020
115 príspevkov
Scalping, of course, is much easier than traditional trading, but there are some nuances. And I at Amarkets liked this feature
Členom od May 13, 2020
119 príspevkov
Jun 29, 2020 at 06:11
Členom od May 13, 2020
119 príspevkov
Scalping in the Forex market, like any other trading approach, requires some preparation, skills and a productive trading strategy

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