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- seek guidance and discussion for Aud - Usd, come along
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seek guidance and discussion for Aud - Usd, come along
Členom od Jun 25, 2021
1 príspevkov
Jul 20, 2023 at 05:02
(upravené Jul 20, 2023 at 05:05)
Členom od Jun 25, 2021
1 príspevkov
im a new kid in the block for trades, anyone can guide and share info for members in this community..
according to this report, (previous) is 75.9K, (consensus) is 15K, (actual) is 32.6K, so why the price for aud still going strong (bullish) and not bearish ?
according to this report, (previous) is 75.9K, (consensus) is 15K, (actual) is 32.6K, so why the price for aud still going strong (bullish) and not bearish ?
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