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- backtest/live issues with 5 digit broker
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backtest/live issues with 5 digit broker
Členom od Jul 26, 2011
4 príspevkov
Aug 15, 2011 at 18:34
Členom od Jul 26, 2011
4 príspevkov
I am a mildly experienced trader backtesting and demo testing a number of eas. There are a few that I have downloaded off of MT4's website. I am able to backtest them but then when I try to run them in real time on a demo account, no trades are executed.
I think the issue has to do with my broker (FXCM) and the OrderSend command. Does anyone have experience modifying EA's to change the OrderSend command to accomodate a 5 digit broker?
Does anyone have any experience with this issue? I appreciate any help or comments thank you!
Členom od Jun 09, 2011
186 príspevkov
Aug 15, 2011 at 21:28
Členom od Jun 09, 2011
186 príspevkov
FXCM uses ecn, you need to change the OrderSend Functions' TakeProfit and Stoploss to 0 then use a OrderModify function to key in those values. An example for a sell command would be:
int t;
t = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots,Bid,Slippage,0,0,Comment_Message,Magic,0,Red);
if (t > 1){
if (OrderSelect(t, SELECT_BY_TICKET))OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid + Stoploss*Point,Bid - Takeprofit*Point,0,Red );
else Print('OrderModify() ticket=',t,' failed with error code ',GetLastError());
else Print('OrderSend ticket=',t,' failed with error code ',GetLastError());
If you still need further help on this, just drop me a message.
int t;
t = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots,Bid,Slippage,0,0,Comment_Message,Magic,0,Red);
if (t > 1){
if (OrderSelect(t, SELECT_BY_TICKET))OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid + Stoploss*Point,Bid - Takeprofit*Point,0,Red );
else Print('OrderModify() ticket=',t,' failed with error code ',GetLastError());
else Print('OrderSend ticket=',t,' failed with error code ',GetLastError());
If you still need further help on this, just drop me a message.
http://www.freeforexrebates .info
Členom od Jul 26, 2011
4 príspevkov
Aug 17, 2011 at 06:25
Členom od Jul 26, 2011
4 príspevkov
Thank you tigpips!
I've modified the code to take care of the Ordersend and the EA is now performing live trades on FXCM.
I really appreciate the help, I'll be sure to pass on the knowledge.
Thanks again.
I've modified the code to take care of the Ordersend and the EA is now performing live trades on FXCM.
I really appreciate the help, I'll be sure to pass on the knowledge.
Thanks again.
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