Just started working on MQL4 scripting -- Any help would be great!

Jan 29, 2017 at 07:20
816 Zobrazení
4 Replies
Členom od Jan 25, 2017   12 príspevkov
Jan 29, 2017 at 07:20 (upravené Jan 26, 2017 at 23:59)
I just downloaded a copy of MetaTrader4 and have been going through the API and playing with different ideas and scripts.

I have a background in iOS dev (objective-C / Swift) and Web Dev via Javascript / PHP / Python.

In the tester, it's pretty annoying so far. I've blown the last few days just hammering it with unprofitable scripts. It's amazing how easy it is to make an unprofitable EA and how difficult it is to dial in the smallest profitable strategy. :-D I'm running into small errors that I'm not quite understanding (eg. unmatched data error volume limit...?)

I'm looking for some help with the basics and getting this thing semi-up and running. I'd really like to find just some simple, small, efficient tidbits or templates that I can work with and get my feet wet.

Any recommendations for where to start?
Členom od Dec 21, 2010   127 príspevkov
Jan 30, 2017 at 05:08
About "unmatched data error volume limit" :
Probably You made test on higher time-frame, and have bad (not full) history on lower.
Try to make test to smaller time-frame (max 15 min).

Where to start :
Go to CodeBase for MT4 (not Market) : https://www.mql5.com/en/code/mt4
and download some small (short) EA or Script (max 10k)
and try to understand , what is written , and how it works.
Členom od Oct 08, 2016   44 príspevkov
Feb 10, 2017 at 03:53
A really simple and useful indicators is a breakeven line...

If you have only a single trade on the current xhart, then it will put a line at the entry of that one trade.

If you have multiple trades, it will figure out what the average of your trades entries is, and it will put a line at that price...

This is a simple example of what would be a useful tool for a trader...

Členom od Feb 11, 2017   3 príspevkov
Feb 14, 2017 at 10:05
Best way to learn is to grab some simple scripts from the editor window, download/upload them and look at the code.
Avoid any scripts that use buffers as you will likely get lost (most simple EA's dont use them) buffers killed me at first but you should be able to get a good idea given your background and if you have plans for some complex custom stuff you will most likely need them.

I paid for a short course, the guy was on YT he was just "dandy" :) i cant post the link..... I jumped from php to mt4 much quicker than I ever could of teaching myself.
Členom od Sep 10, 2014   2 príspevkov
Feb 14, 2017 at 12:52
benchmarkpro posted:
A really simple and useful indicators is a breakeven line...

If you have only a single trade on the current xhart, then it will put a line at the entry of that one trade.

If you have multiple trades, it will figure out what the average of your trades entries is, and it will put a line at that price...

This is a simple example of what would be a useful tool for a trader...


Actually I was thinking of such thing recently and I am going to make it. For single trade it's pretty obvious where is the BE, but for multiple trades and most important with different lot size it's quite tough to see where is it :)
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