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MT4 Programmers Group Effort
Členom od Aug 27, 2011
16 príspevkov
Oct 05, 2011 at 19:39
Členom od Aug 27, 2011
16 príspevkov
Hello fellow traders/programmers. I am looking for skilled programmers to help me code the forex.com indicators into MT4. I would prefer a group effort or some kinda coding effort where bunch of us get together and write it. I am not a programmer myself. if I need to I am willing to pay for the coding, but first would rather not pay if it can be done without paying and make it available to everyone.
here are the 4 indicators...
forexegg.com has a youtube channel explaining the indicators...
I think the folks at forexegg.com have done a marvelous job and would love to see these indicators in my fav platform (MT4). thank you
here are the 4 indicators...
forexegg.com has a youtube channel explaining the indicators...
I think the folks at forexegg.com have done a marvelous job and would love to see these indicators in my fav platform (MT4). thank you
Členom od Oct 08, 2011
3 príspevkov
Oct 09, 2011 at 08:28
Členom od Oct 08, 2011
3 príspevkov
I am a Sr. programmer and happy to assist. Would appreciate more details. Thanks
Členom od Aug 27, 2011
16 príspevkov
Oct 09, 2011 at 15:39
Členom od Aug 27, 2011
16 príspevkov
Dropper007, thank you for posting. please take a look at this site and see if the indicator can be written for MT4. the formula is in the link...
Členom od Oct 08, 2011
3 príspevkov
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