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- rebate bot
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rebate bot
Členom od Oct 23, 2014
50 príspevkov
Aug 28, 2015 at 12:49
Členom od Oct 23, 2014
50 príspevkov
hello iam looking for experienced programmer who could code rebate bot for me. i need ea that opens position and hedges it. need at least 100-500 roundturns per day
Členom od Dec 16, 2011
297 príspevkov
Aug 31, 2015 at 16:35
Členom od Dec 16, 2011
297 príspevkov
u don't need experienced programmer who will change you hundreds of dollars for something you can get yourself for free, There are millions on EAs who can do that . just look on the NET .
goggle it - ( hedge ea mt4 ) or something.
goggle it - ( hedge ea mt4 ) or something.
Členom od Sep 06, 2011
31 príspevkov
Sep 02, 2015 at 10:39
Členom od Sep 06, 2011
31 príspevkov
I'm interested by your offer. You can check on my blog my work and tell me if you are interested to work with me.
I'm interested by your offer. You can check on my blog my work and tell me if you are interested to work with me.
Členom od Oct 22, 2009
33 príspevkov
Sep 04, 2015 at 15:35
Členom od Oct 22, 2009
33 príspevkov
We have an EA that is designed to do that, get fx liquidity dot com - in order to create volume
Členom od Mar 26, 2015
31 príspevkov
Mar 21, 2017 at 20:58
Členom od Mar 26, 2015
31 príspevkov
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