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Vertical lines to show mondays
Členom od Jan 16, 2013
4 príspevkov
Mar 22, 2013 at 08:10
Členom od Jan 16, 2013
4 príspevkov
Does anyone have or know of an indicator that displays the period separators (CTRL and Y) but the monday separator is a different colour? I'm on a 5 day broker, so can't see monday bars easily.
I tried coding one in MT4 using ObjectCreate and OBJ_VLINE but struggled to get it to draw multiple lines.
I tried coding one in MT4 using ObjectCreate and OBJ_VLINE but struggled to get it to draw multiple lines.
Členom od Mar 03, 2013
3 príspevkov
Mar 22, 2013 at 12:04
Členom od Mar 03, 2013
3 príspevkov
I wrote one quickly for you. Hopefully it should solve your requirement.
Usage parameters :
LineColor - The color of the vertical line. Default Yellow.
LineStyle - The style of the line between 0 to 4. Default 2 (dotted) ( 0 = Solid, 1 = Dash, 2 = Dot, 3 = Dash-Dot, 4 = Dash-Dot-Dot)
LineDayOfWeek - The day of the week on which to draw the vertical line. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday etc.
Usage parameters :
LineColor - The color of the vertical line. Default Yellow.
LineStyle - The style of the line between 0 to 4. Default 2 (dotted) ( 0 = Solid, 1 = Dash, 2 = Dot, 3 = Dash-Dot, 4 = Dash-Dot-Dot)
LineDayOfWeek - The day of the week on which to draw the vertical line. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday etc.
Členom od Jan 16, 2013
4 príspevkov
Mar 22, 2013 at 13:02
Členom od Jan 16, 2013
4 príspevkov
MatSol posted:
I wrote one quickly for you. Hopefully it should solve your requirement.
Usage parameters :
LineColor - The color of the vertical line. Default Yellow.
LineStyle - The style of the line between 0 to 4. Default 2 (dotted) ( 0 = Solid, 1 = Dash, 2 = Dot, 3 = Dash-Dot, 4 = Dash-Dot-Dot)
LineDayOfWeek - The day of the week on which to draw the vertical line. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday etc.
That is absolutely brilliant, thank you so much!

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