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Outlook Diskusia
Členom od Nov 21, 2011
1718 príspevkov
Oct 17, 2013 at 12:31
Členom od Nov 21, 2011
1718 príspevkov
This could be great if we could select only the pair we are interested in. It's boring to scrowdown and looking for the pair.
Členom od Mar 26, 2014
12 príspevkov
Mar 30, 2014 at 15:02
Členom od Mar 26, 2014
12 príspevkov
Yes agree many pairs, Selected the pairs we are interested could be fine.
Členom od Nov 21, 2011
1718 príspevkov
Mar 30, 2014 at 15:17
Členom od Nov 21, 2011
1718 príspevkov
Belikewater posted:
Yes agree many pairs, Selected the pairs we are interested could be fine.
This now possible on the main page into Outlook session:
You can select the pair you want to look at.
Členom od Mar 26, 2014
12 príspevkov
Apr 01, 2014 at 12:54
Členom od Mar 26, 2014
12 príspevkov
What I mean is Select the pairs you want to see in the main page. I mean like a tick box, so we dont have to many pairs to select from.
For example select only to view EURUSD & GBPUSD in the main page. THen later add another ones if you want.
For example select only to view EURUSD & GBPUSD in the main page. THen later add another ones if you want.
Členom od Nov 21, 2011
1718 príspevkov
Apr 01, 2014 at 13:00
Členom od Nov 21, 2011
1718 príspevkov
Členom od Mar 26, 2014
12 príspevkov
Apr 01, 2014 at 14:00
Členom od Mar 26, 2014
12 príspevkov
Thank you CrazyTrader
You are totally right!!
You are totally right!!
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