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- Year number identifier on charts and other dates.
Year number identifier on charts and other dates. výsledky hlasovania
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Year number identifier on charts and other dates. Diskusia
Členom od May 17, 2010
22 príspevkov
Jun 16, 2010 at 20:46
Členom od May 17, 2010
22 príspevkov
I would be great if you could add year number identifier on charts and other dates like “Best Trade” or "Highest balance". I may see now May 02 but I wish to know which year too.
kind regards,
I would be great if you could add year number identifier on charts and other dates like “Best Trade” or "Highest balance". I may see now May 02 but I wish to know which year too.
kind regards,
Členom od Jul 31, 2009
1418 príspevkov
Jun 17, 2010 at 12:11
Členom od Jul 31, 2009
1418 príspevkov
Will be definitely added.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks for the suggestion!

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