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Algoritmus (Od zijlstra)
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Algoritmus Diskusia
Členom od Feb 16, 2011
208 príspevkov
Jul 11, 2018 at 12:43
Členom od Feb 16, 2011
208 príspevkov
How can I get your EA for a demo account?
Best regards,
How can I get your EA for a demo account?
Best regards,
Členom od Jun 30, 2015
90 príspevkov
Členom od Feb 16, 2011
208 príspevkov
Nov 12, 2018 at 07:46
Členom od Feb 16, 2011
208 príspevkov
Where can I buy this EA and how much is cost?
Best regards,
Where can I buy this EA and how much is cost?
Best regards,
Členom od Jan 05, 2016
1097 príspevkov
Nov 12, 2018 at 09:21
Členom od Jan 05, 2016
1097 príspevkov
Your account is not validated.

Often times people with DEMO accounts will try and setup a stats page as a REAL account.
The problem is that you will be unable to fully validate your account if this is the case.
Can you please validate your account or will you make an excuse about being unable to verify it?

Often times people with DEMO accounts will try and setup a stats page as a REAL account.
The problem is that you will be unable to fully validate your account if this is the case.
Can you please validate your account or will you make an excuse about being unable to verify it?
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Členom od Jun 30, 2015
90 príspevkov
Nov 12, 2018 at 14:45
(upravené Nov 12, 2018 at 14:45)
Členom od Jun 30, 2015
90 príspevkov
No demo but its real account on MT5, unless i am wrong nut unfortunately myfxbook doesn't support mt5.
Členom od Jan 05, 2016
1097 príspevkov
Nov 13, 2018 at 07:53
Členom od Jan 05, 2016
1097 príspevkov
zijlstra posted:
No demo but its real account on MT5, unless i am wrong nut unfortunately myfxbook doesn't support mt5.
1) The image you provided clearly shows the setup panel for the MT4 terminal options.

2) MT5 IS supported and fully verifiable.

Either the account is demo. and the system is preventing you from validating as real, or the account doesn't belong to you so you can't verify your trading ability because you don't have actual trading access.
So which is it?
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Členom od Jan 14, 2018
152 príspevkov
Nov 14, 2018 at 07:39
Členom od Jan 14, 2018
152 príspevkov
You had an open trade DD of -450 pips on March 27 for such a small account, thats huge DD. This is the problem with My Fx Book and even Meta Trader, the open trader DD is not calculated properly and not accurate at all.
So when someone looks at your account today, they will see a close trade DD of 12%, but in reality its probably a Martingale and very risky, and thats why the trade history is private.
So when someone looks at your account today, they will see a close trade DD of 12%, but in reality its probably a Martingale and very risky, and thats why the trade history is private.
Členom od Jun 30, 2015
90 príspevkov
Nov 15, 2018 at 17:39
Členom od Jun 30, 2015
90 príspevkov
You just talking like others just guessing
Členom od Jun 12, 2014
11 príspevkov
Nov 30, 2018 at 21:04
Členom od Jun 12, 2014
11 príspevkov
Chikri where did you buy this EA ?
Členom od Nov 28, 2018
3 príspevkov
Členom od Feb 16, 2011
208 príspevkov
Jan 03, 2019 at 13:51
Členom od Feb 16, 2011
208 príspevkov
Where can I buy this EA?
Best regards,
Where can I buy this EA?
Best regards,
Členom od Jun 27, 2014
98 príspevkov
Jan 03, 2019 at 15:09
Členom od Jun 27, 2014
98 príspevkov
Can we buy this EA ? What is the general logic there?
You haven't been around lately.
Členom od Jan 05, 2016
1097 príspevkov
Jan 08, 2019 at 19:04
Členom od Jan 05, 2016
1097 príspevkov
Can you please open your history?
I would like to analyze your closed trades against the Oanda (US Division) data feed historical data, to see if the system is valid and if it would be profitable for traders based in the United States.
Thank you
Can you please open your history?
I would like to analyze your closed trades against the Oanda (US Division) data feed historical data, to see if the system is valid and if it would be profitable for traders based in the United States.
Thank you
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Členom od Jan 05, 2016
1097 príspevkov
Jan 09, 2019 at 17:45
Členom od Jan 05, 2016
1097 príspevkov
Will your system work with FIFO, Leverage 1:50, and no hedging?
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Členom od Jun 30, 2015
90 príspevkov
Jan 19, 2019 at 11:47
Členom od Jun 30, 2015
90 príspevkov
It works with low leverage but has hedging option
Členom od Jan 05, 2016
1097 príspevkov
Jan 19, 2019 at 19:01
(upravené Jan 19, 2019 at 19:05)
Členom od Jan 05, 2016
1097 príspevkov
zijlstra posted:
It works with low leverage but has hedging option
Is your EA FIFO compliant?
Can I get a trial period of 90 days to test on an account with Oanda (US Based)?
If it works, we can discuss purchasing a copy of it from you, if it doesn't work on an US Based account with Oanda, then you will have also gained valuable information for future editions of your EA.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Členom od Jan 24, 2018
20 príspevkov
Jan 28, 2019 at 07:58
Členom od Jan 24, 2018
20 príspevkov
zijlstra posted:
It works with low leverage but has hedging option
Were december 2017 en january 2018 with higher risk than all the other months?
There can be only one
Členom od Jun 30, 2015
90 príspevkov
Jan 28, 2019 at 09:05
Členom od Jun 30, 2015
90 príspevkov
shotputty posted:zijlstra posted:
It works with low leverage but has hedging option
Were december 2017 en january 2018 with higher risk than all the other months?
Yes higher risk with bigger lotsizes but now i prefer steady profits as you can see.
Členom od Jan 24, 2018
20 príspevkov
Jan 29, 2019 at 07:33
Členom od Jan 24, 2018
20 príspevkov
Still 100% positive months, very good. Are you on SignalStart or anywhere else to copytrade?
There can be only one
Členom od Feb 14, 2019
23 príspevkov
Feb 17, 2019 at 07:53
Členom od Feb 14, 2019
23 príspevkov
So this EA wins abotu 50% of the time and NLY sells. I bet you he has another account where he only buys and is losing 600%

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