AndyI7 Steady (Od AndyI7)
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AndyI7 Steady Diskusia
Členom od Sep 30, 2011
68 príspevkov
Sep 30, 2011 at 09:01
Členom od Sep 30, 2011
68 príspevkov
Earning money should be boring. If you feel excited or worried, your risk settings are too high.
Členom od Jun 21, 2011
12 príspevkov
Členom od Sep 30, 2011
68 príspevkov
Oct 01, 2011 at 00:15
Členom od Sep 30, 2011
68 príspevkov
could you please tell what EA are you using?
Earning money should be boring. If you feel excited or worried, your risk settings are too high.
Členom od Jun 21, 2011
12 príspevkov
Členom od May 10, 2011
15 príspevkov
Oct 22, 2011 at 22:14
Členom od May 10, 2011
15 príspevkov
hi Andy,
this is really good performance for your account...
but, you use ONLY expert advisor?
can you tell some detail of your EA? also on private if you don't want to share some EA name...
hope that you continue to have these impressive result...
this is really good performance for your account...
but, you use ONLY expert advisor?
can you tell some detail of your EA? also on private if you don't want to share some EA name...
hope that you continue to have these impressive result...
Členom od Jun 21, 2011
12 príspevkov
Oct 22, 2011 at 22:46
Členom od Jun 21, 2011
12 príspevkov
If you join the forum at Donna's you will be able to get all the information there.
Členom od Aug 25, 2011
28 príspevkov
Členom od Jun 21, 2011
12 príspevkov

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